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What is your opinion of the Chantry...


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I really enjoy seeing the similarities between our world and Thedas. The fact that it is similar yet different offers insights into our past. I wouldn't be surprised to see a sort of reformed chantry emerge maybe a couple hundred years down the road, perhaps with a Leliana like perspective instead of the authoritarian chantry that for the most part is interested in gaining power.
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I really enjoy seeing the similarities between our world and Thedas. The fact that it is similar yet different offers insights into our past. I wouldn't be surprised to see a sort of reformed chantry emerge maybe a couple hundred years down the road, perhaps with a Leliana like perspective instead of the authoritarian chantry that for the most part is interested in gaining power.



Maybe but we all know that Leliana is talking out of her arse; the Spirit Guardian called her on it too...

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I really enjoy seeing the similarities between our world and Thedas. The fact that it is similar yet different offers insights into our past. I wouldn't be surprised to see a sort of reformed chantry emerge maybe a couple hundred years down the road, perhaps with a Leliana like perspective instead of the authoritarian chantry that for the most part is interested in gaining power.



Maybe but we all know that Leliana is talking out of her arse; the Spirit Guardian called her on it too...

Is it wrong how much I enjoyed hearing the Guardian do that? Don't get me wrong, I like Leliana and think she is great, but sometimes I just roll my eyes at her when she goes on and on! But I think, with her at least, she really was trying to change her life and be a 'better person', it's just that she really couldn't change completely deep down even if she was trying to tell herself otherwise. My thoughts on that anyway! But yeah, I do agree that her ideas of the Chantry are way better than the Chantry itself! She is more like ... the um ... what do you call it people ... gosh I'm blank! But you know the churches that have every kind of people from tattoed up to gay and no one thinks anything of it, just fully accepting and usually have really loud and wild services.


... gosh I am so blank on what I heard someone call them once! But anyway, that is how I see Leliana's views on how things should be, just with a medieval twist!

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Leliana can be a bit enthusiastic at times however her ideas have some real merit and if they were implemented the chantry would probally benefit. Now the sad thing is a religious conflict could happen between the more reformed chanters and the more conservative ones. Actually I don't see a way for Leliana's views to be implemented peacefully. :sad:
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Like the hilarious chanter lady who chants the awesome messed up stuff in Denerium, lmao she would so be for Leliana's ways! Gosh I love that lady so much, and also the fact you get to go to her during a side quest :X She rocks my socks with her awesomeness lololol!
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The chantry? You mean they still won't let me start up the new national sport "Burn the clerics"? Man that so totally sucks.


Smart remarks aside, I really disliked the chantry for all of it's earthly policies. As in real life churches, the message was so distorted by a rise of power, leading to a corruption of the basic concepts it tried to teach. It wouldn't be a perfect world without religion, but it would be better without religious organizations having power of any kind.

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