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Cyborg bodies from MGRR as Power Armor


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Title says it all.

I looked everywhere I could think of for this and didnt find anything.

The cyborg bodies from MGRR as power armor in NV.

With accurate attributes, bursts of greatly increased speed, improved melee strength, etc.

Sundowners armor plates you could ignore. it was kind of goofy in the game.

Or maybe Armstrong's nanomachines, use it in the pipboy, gives you a supermutant body while maintaining human skin and head size, etc.

Basically you would hulk out and stay the same color/height.

Perhaps it destroys your current clothng and leaves you wearing ripped pants like a normal, low level supermutant.


Thanks for reading and responding.


Raiden - http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080620064920/metalgear/images/3/31/RaidenMGS4.jpg


Jetstream Sam - http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120815204237/metalgear/images/e/ec/Tumblr_m8sl44Pa5m1r6hu3go1_1280.jpg


Sundowner - http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130618115430/metalgear/images/4/44/Sundowner-Explosive-Shields.png


Senator Armstrong - http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/14/142946/3775816-6112005496-24425.jpg


Monsoon has 40 odd parts that fly around so ... no...


Mistral has 10 or 12 arms ... nope ...



Very much looking forward to your thoughts.



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