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I am in quite serious need of a place that has a lot of mannequins. I use a LOT of clothing mods but have nowhere to display my beauties, I can only keep them in a dresser where I cannot see them. :( Please either create for me a place with a lot of mannequins or let me know of a mod that already exists that incorporates this feature. Please NOTE:


I am NOT interested in mannequins that you can custom place, I have seen those mods and do not prefer those.


I would like this area with my mannequins and royal wardrobe to be guarded, by guards, please add guards.


Thank you sweetie!


Amy <3

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Is there a mod where you get "living mannequins" that you can tell "stand there, wear this"? There are times I find myself wanting to put every outfit on display, both male and female versions.


I suppose I could throw together a "mall" that had clothing, armor, and robe stores. I'm thinking open-face stores like modern malls? Maybe a food court, a band, and someone asking for the owner of a horse and carriage of a given color to please move it? With someone being arrested for leaving their kids in the carriage?

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Did you have a preference for the location or architectural style of this House of Haberdashery?Vanilla? Dawnguard/Volkihar, Solstheim? Did you want it linked from an existing house such as Lakeview, Breezehome, etc.? Basement, attic, or split-level floor like Hearthfires?


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Levelers tower has a lot of mannequins scattered around - A display room with 20 mannequins, then an add on mod that adds a second mannequin only display room with another 117 mannequins in a basement under the display room.


All mannequins can be dressed - that is their purpose.


The Dovahkiin's warehouse mod has 97 mannequins

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Is 235 mannequins enough? That's what I've got so far. I've got room for a few more.


I don't have many weapon racks in it yet, though. There's plenty of room for more of those as well.


I'm building the place on a system that has an I7-4770K CPU and GTX 760 4GB, with 16GB of system RAM, and it's not bogging down. It does take a few seconds to render all the mannequins, however, and some aren't visible until you give them something to wear, though that may be a vanilla issue.


Of course, if I have to start adding furniture (tables and chairs, shelves, plates and bowls and food and general décor) that could turn it into a system-killer. As it sits now, it's good enough for my personal use as an armor display area, but you may want more out of it.


One final point - there's no way this thing will fit in the exterior world. It will have to be linked from inside another house.

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235 mannequins is pointless because even with the best computer the systems can only really handle about 30 fully equipped mannequins before the game loads straight into a freeze. Also, as far as storage, I would like to see a storage container for each category (pelts, ingots and ore, weapons, armor, clothing, food, jewelry, books, ingredients, artifacts) with the possibility of an auto-sorting feature as well as an incinerator. Something that will delete items you have from the game. Commonly I will swim as far out into the ocean above Winterhold as I can go and dumb out there what I never want to see anymore but it would be nice to have an incinerator. As far as living quarters for the mod go, not necessary but if you would like to make them, I would say make them a completely separated building from the storage facility similar to Dovahkiin Bedroom and Warehouse (really love that mod!). The main issue however, is with the mannequins. Really no more than 30 unless you have a working idea to solve the performance problem with adding more mannequins than that. Thanks guys for the responses. I have a VERY great idea for a player home for someone to create so PM me if you want some details. :smile:

Edited by AmysDragon
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I'm not getting crashes with it, but then, there's not a lot going on. It's pretty bare - mannequins and weapon racks and chests, so far. No wandering guards.


At any rate, I did make another one while waiting for a response, which has 30 mannequins, each with a storage chest under it, and weapon racks and plagues galore. I've got it loaded with followers milling about, hitting various idle markers, and have no problems with it.

Then again, it's running on an i7-4770K, as well.


PM me your idea for a house and I'll see how close I can get.

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