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Animation Blending


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Hey all, quick question...


I'm working on a new type of locomotion, (essentially a vehicle that allows you to still use a weapon).

Originally I thought the lower body played different animations from the top, but now I'm not so sure.


So my question is: Do I have to create a new movement animation for every weapon, every item, etc?


Example: Say the locomotion is for a Horse like in Oblivion... Would I have to create all of these?


(using 1 weapon as an example)












Etc, etc, etc...


Is there another method I could use to save some time and file-size? Like something to do with bone priorities?

The best case scenario would be to animate the legs and spine, and have the vanilla animations override the arms...


Any help with this would be greatly appreciated... I'll do what I have to do. This mod is carrying over into New Vegas.

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