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Skyrim Bounty Hunter/Monster Slayer Mod


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Hi guys, been playing through Skyrim...done a few of the bounty quests from inns but thought they lack a bit in depth.

So I thought of this idea:

Instead of the meagre rewards and opponents from the inn-based bounties, maybe a Mod where it was possible for the player to take a look at a Request Board within a towns Inn, or Hunt Board, then select a ranked bounty (eg 1 being the lowest, 5 being the hardest?) and after selecting the respective hunt to then go and seek the NPC via Map Marker that posted the bounty request for further info...slay the beast/bandit/demon/monster and then return to the NPC for a reward based on that rank.

I was also thinking of a questline/story for the mod as the player progressed, but just wondering if the idea itself would be welcomed first :)

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