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I need help with a script


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Hello! I could really use help with this. I've been at it for about two days and I've gotten some help from a couple of friends, but still can't get it right.


So here's what I want to do. I'm taking these spiffy tail armors http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18158 and making a script so that whenever an Argonian equips, for instance, a pair of leather greaves, they also equip the leather tail armor. I've gotten it to work for the player so far, and it works just fine, but I can't get it to affect NPCs. Here's my code so far:


scn EquipArgonianLeatherTail
ref tempRef
begin OnEquip
set tempRef to getcontainer
	if tempRef.GetIsRace "Argonian" == 1
message " "
message " "
	tempRef.additem argonianleathertailarmour 1
	tempRef.equipitem argonianleathertailarmour 1
begin OnUnequip
   	set tempRef to getcontainer
	if tempRef.GetIsRace "Argonian" == 1
message " "
message " "
	tempRef.unequipitem argonianleathertailarmour 1
	tempRef.removeitem argonianleathertailarmour 1


The script is on the greaves, but I'm not sure what the problem is. I even waited by Right-Wind as he slept, and he didn't equip the tail when he woke up and put on his leather greaves.

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Thank you for replying. I don't really understand the equipdelay stuff, but I tried everything I could think of using it, and it sometimes would work on the player, but never on an NPC. Also, I don't know if this matters, but when I'm a non-Argonian and I put on some leather greaves, then bring up showracemenu and change to an Argonian, it doesn't equip the tail. Is it possible that since the NPCs already have the equipment, that OnEquip won't work? I tried removing the race part, too, with no luck.
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try this:

scn EquipArgonianLeatherTail

ref tempRef

begin OnEquip
set tempRef to getcontainer
if tempRef.GetIsRace "Argonian" == 1
	tempRef.additem argonianleathertailarmour 1
	message " "
	message " "
	tempRef.equipitem argonianleathertailarmour 0

begin OnUnequip
set tempRef to getcontainer
if tempRef.GetIsRace "Argonian" == 1
	tempRef.unequipitem argonianleathertailarmour 0
	message " "
	message " "
	tempRef.removeitem argonianleathertailarmour 1


didn't work?

then try this one SEVERAL times:

scn EquipArgonianLeatherTail

ref tempRef

begin OnEquip
set tempRef to getcontainer
if tempRef.GetIsRace "Argonian" == 1
	tempRef.additem argonianleathertailarmour 1
	message " "
	message " "
	tempRef.equipitem argonianleathertailarmour 0

begin OnUnequip
set tempRef to getcontainer
if tempRef.GetIsRace "Argonian" == 1
	tempRef.unequipitem argonianleathertailarmour 0
	message " "
	message " "


still nothing? also repeatedly.

scn EquipArgonianLeatherTail

ref tempRef

begin OnEquip
set tempRef to getcontainer
tempRef.additem argonianleathertailarmour 1
message " "
message " "
tempRef.equipitem argonianleathertailarmour 0

begin OnUnequip
set tempRef to getcontainer
tempRef.unequipitem argonianleathertailarmour 0
message " "
message " "
tempRef.removeitem argonianleathertailarmour 1



Tell me if either of them worked. And if so, which one(s)?

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Thanks again, but I'm afraid those didn't work. I also tried unequipping and equipping from the console, which didn't work. I tried doing that to see what would happen on the player, and it didn't work that way, even though it does through the inventory. It must have something to do with the way it's equipped, I suppose. This is driving me nuts. I can get NPCs to equip the armors if I manually add it to each of them and put a script on the tail, but that only worked with Begin GameMode, and I didn't think it would be a great idea to do that, and I thought this would be nicer anyway.
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Thanks again, but I'm afraid those didn't work. I also tried unequipping and equipping from the console, which didn't work. I tried doing that to see what would happen on the player, and it didn't work that way, even though it does through the inventory. It must have something to do with the way it's equipped, I suppose. This is driving me nuts. I can get NPCs to equip the armors if I manually add it to each of them and put a script on the tail, but that only worked with Begin GameMode, and I didn't think it would be a great idea to do that, and I thought this would be nicer anyway.

have you tried each one several times over without resetting anything?


I don't see why this doesn't work. I've written scripts that do exactly this several times already.


Can you upload the esp somewhere? Maybe it's not the script after all?

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Yeah I don't get why it didn't work either, it made no sense to me. Maybe it has to do with it being the tail slot, but anyway! I finally got it to work! I had to re-edit it several times, but here's what I finally came up with, and it works with both Khajiit and Argonians.


scn EquipArgonianLeatherTail
ref tempRef
begin GameMode
     set tempRef to getcontainer
 		      if tempRef != player && tempRef.getequipped LeatherGreaves && tempref.getitemcount argonianleathertailarmour == 0 && tempRef.GetIsRace "Argonian" == 1
     		          tempRef.additem argonianleathertailarmour 1
     		          tempRef.equipitem argonianleathertailarmour 0
 		      if tempRef != player && tempRef.getequipped LeatherGreaves && tempref.getitemcount khajiitleathertailarmour == 0 && tempRef.GetIsRace "Khajiit" == 1
     		          tempRef.additem khajiitleathertailarmour 1
     		          tempRef.equipitem khajiitleathertailarmour 0
begin OnEquip
       set tempRef to getcontainer
       if tempRef == player && tempRef.GetIsRace "Argonian" == 1
               message " "
               message " "
               tempRef.additem argonianleathertailarmour 1
               tempRef.equipitem argonianleathertailarmour 0
       if tempRef == player && tempRef.GetIsRace "Khajiit" == 1
               message " "
               message " "
               tempRef.additem khajiitleathertailarmour 1
               tempRef.equipitem khajiitleathertailarmour 0
begin OnUnequip
       set tempRef to getcontainer
               message " "
               message " "
               tempRef.unequipitem argonianleathertailarmour 0
               tempRef.removeitem argonianleathertailarmour 9
               tempRef.unequipitem khajiitleathertailarmour 0
               tempRef.removeitem khajiitleathertailarmour 9


Now the only problem is that dropping pants while equipped doesn't get rid of the tail armor, and looting bodies doesn't either.

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