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Extra Info in Console Upon Selection of Object!


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This may or may not be an actual request. I honestly don't know at this point, because what I'm looking for was already happening, but now it's gone. Please note, however, that I have searched everywhere for an answer, and it's like this doesn't even exist. But it does. Or it did.


Let me explain.


I just got a new computer, and had to re-install all of my old mods. I made sure to have everything exactly the way it was. Same mods, same versions, etc.



I could open up the console, click an object or NPC, and two tables would pop up on the screen with a LOT of information packed into each. It told me the name of who or what I had selected (not just a code), baseID, refID, what their stats were (if it was a person), etc. There was even something about "Blink R" and "Blink L" and a bunch of other stuff similar to that. I have no idea what all that was, but that's beside the point. I couldn't edit any of this information, so it was display only, but it was extremely handy to have. I particularly liked knowing that I had selected what I was targeting, and not something that was invisible, just beyond my FOV, or overlapped with something else.



Nothing. I select an object or NPC, and all I get is an ID code like before. No other information appears.



Does anyone have any idea what I'm talking about? If this was part of another mod, I don't know which one it would have been, I have no idea how I might have activated it before, and I couldn't tell you why it's not working now.


If no one knows anything about it, would it be too difficult to create a mod that would do that? At the very least, it'd need to display the name, baseID, refID, and pertinent stats for NPCs. I remember that it included Health, Magicka, and Stamina, along with some of the more important combat-related skill level info, such as armor, one-handed, two-handed, archery, etc.

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