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Respawn Rates


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I'm having a little problem with NPC's that I've modded. I've checked the respawn box but they seem to stay dead indefinitely. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the respawn rate is, if it can be adjusted and how. I must be doing something wrong for I have waited around for days (in game) and yet, still dead. I will appreciate any help in this matter. Thank you. :(
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I'm having a little problem with NPC's that I've modded. I've checked the respawn box but they seem to stay dead indefinitely. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the respawn rate is, if it can be adjusted and how. I must be doing something wrong for I have waited around for days (in game) and yet, still dead. I will appreciate any help in this matter. Thank you. :(




I think it depends on HOW you wait.



There are a few 'time' quests that are broken purly because they don't respect the WAIT funciton of the player.

Meaning the game time may READ as 24 hours later, but it really hasn't been 24 game hours later... get it?

I may be wrong, but it looks to me like spawns work off of game time / timescale just fine... as long as you NEVER use the wait function... becuase it doesn't count towards the time.


Anyone want to confirm my assertion?



glut glut

Bolgo The Madd

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