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Fallout 3 gone suddenly WILD

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Hey there, fellow wastelanders!

I'm here once again to ask for your wise advice... my Fallout has gone totally WILD!


Everything was working perfectly fine but suddenly I get a missing-mesh? error after playing a minute or so... and then everything goes totally nuts.





I use TYPE3 / BREEZE, I've a ton of mods installed and my load order is currently auto-sorted by FOMM (in a desperate attempt to make it work again):






Mart's Mutant Mod.esm

Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm

DC Interiors.esm



A Good-Hair Day.esm

Glow Sticks.esp


Alyx from HL2.esp



ST uberGrunt Mod.esp


DIM TYPE3 conversions.esp

Cerberus Protect Gear - Headgear Extras.esp

NPC Height Randomizer.esp

Named Wasteland.esp

NPCs Sleep Tighter.esp

Hi-Res Weapons & Ammo Textures.esp

Hi-Res Weapons & Ammo Textures - The Pitt.esp

Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.esp

Enhanced Weather - Radioactive Rain and Snow Plugin.esp

Enhanced Weather - Weather Sounds in Interiors.esp

Enhanced Weather - Sneak Bonus during Storms.esp


Fellout - BrokenSteel.esp

Fellout - PipBoy.esp

Galaxy News Radio 100.esp

Springvale Water Tower.esp

Angels Tac Harness.esp

UWWUT - Broken Steel.esp

Nightvision Goggles (Powered).esp

BlackWolf Backpack.esp

BlackWolf Backpack - Vendor Script Replenish.esp

BlackWolf Backpack - Blank's Container Patch.esp

Roleplayable Professions.esp

Gas Mask.esp


WW2 Uniforms.esp

Misc Item Refurbish - Wrench.esp

Misc Item Refurbish - Mutilated Parts.esp

Medic Backpack.esp

The Plague Doctor Outfit.esp

Tailor Maid.esp

Tailor Maid - Broken Steel.esp

Stealth Kills Enabled.esp


Pack Brahmin.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Feral Ghoul Rampage.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp

Halo Armors.esp


Japanese Power Armor.esp

Northwestern Seneca Interiors.esp

Big Town Interiors.esp

Canterbury Commons Interiors.esp

Excessive Interiors.esp

Field Medic Power Armor.esp




PreWar Book Titles and Perks.esp

Wasteland Travellers.esp

Reilly's Ranger Helmet Reward.esp

Nuka-Cola Power Helmet.esp

Raider Power Armor.esp

Talon Mercenary Helmets.esp

Talon Extra Armor.esp


Scavenger Armors.esp

Hard Disk Drives.esp

Field Medic Power Armor Extended.esp

Heavy Duty Radiation Armor.esp

Junk Weapons.esp

Binoculars and Scopes.esp

Pet Gecko Greenie.esp

Caravan Upgrades.esp

The Necronomicon - Dunwich Fix.esp

A Cuppa JOE in Dupont East.esp

Salvagable Cars.esp

Batman & Catwoman.esp

Trophies - Megaton.esp


Gloves in Megaton.esp

Wear Gloves.esp



SimpleNeeds - Broken Steel.esp

SimpleNeeds - Bottle That Water.esp

F3 Umpa Animation.esp

ODST Armor.esp

Iron Man.esp

Banks of the Wasteland.esp

Merged Sunglasses-Joes.esp

StreetLights - Wasteland.esp

Blood - Larger Blood.esp

Blood - Less Blood Time.esp

Blood - Full Screen Blood.esp

Blood - Less Blood Time, Larger Blood.esp

Realistic Death Physics.esp



Weapon Clip Fix.esp


The Groovatron.esp

Eyebot Helmet Fix.esp

Leather Aviator Cap.esp

Death Korps.esp

Skull Gas Mask.esp

Police Uniform.esp

Balaclava Skimask.esp

DX - Outcast.esp

DX - Winterized T51b.esp

DX - Tribal.esp

DX - BOS.esp

TYPE3 Clothes.esp

Gentlemans Uniform.esp

Shoulder Satchel Bag.esp

Naouak Armors Clothes.esp

Mauser Carbine.esp

AoT Mask.esp

Broadway Cinema.esp

Iron Man Armory.esp


Stimpak NPC Healer.esp

Healing Gun.esp


Immersive Health.esp

Amplified Crippled Effect.esp

Visual Drugs.esp


Better living through chems.esp

Portable Lab & Infirmary.esp

Better Medicine.esp

Field Medic Power Armor Basic.esp



Total active plugins: 147

Total plugins: 169


As for the cause, as far as I've checked every mesh and texture is in the right folder and archiveinvalidation is working fine... the game's been running smoothly until now, in fact. The last mods I installed without trouble were Glow Sticks and Wasteland StreetLights... then I tried installing Gypsy Outfits and Owned and the rampage started (and continues even after uninstalling them).


I would be really thankful if someone could enlighten me on how to proceed. Thanks in advance.

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I'm guessing too many mods. You may think I'm talking out my ass, but I bet if you reduce the number of plugins, either via disabling or merging, no matter which ones they are, the problem will go away.


I hit this issue at around 100, I have seen others hit it earlier. I have seen others hit it a bit earlier or a bit later. I have seen no explanation of it and have none myself.

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wow! you have a crapload of mods! i used to think I was loading a lot, heh.


Are you making a merged patch and a master patch with FO3edit? not positive if that will help, but just in case you don't do that, it's where I'd start...


Also, I think I read somewhere about a cap on mod files before the game starts glitching. Something like after 150 modded files loaded the game would start behaving undesireably because of the way it handles the mods...


Sorry I can't be of more help, but maybe it'll start you on the right path to fixing the problem =/

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Ok, so I take it I have such a shitload of mods the sh*t has literally hit the fan... SNAFU! LOL

Thank you very much guys, I'll try and trim the list to fix it... such a shame there's a limit for the mods you can implement, though (and a quite low one, for that matter). Btw, you can actually merge mods with FO3Edit? That caught me totally off-guard but I'll definitely have to give it a try too. My most sincere kudos to both of you for you're always really helpful.

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Is there any kind of trouble when merging multiple files? Since they spawn in different places, I was thinking about merging all the outfits and items in one huge 'item overhaul', would that be possible?

Maybe even combine all my health-related mods in one (overriding them in their current load order)...

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I've never used the merger they're talking about, but it seems like as long as you had it replace everything in the order you want you'd be fine. And if you have any confusion about what will override what or anything, you can look into FO3Edit, it colorcodes everything to show you what is overwritten and what overwrites other things.
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