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okay, so, been looking around for some cool weapon mods for F3, and came across the l85, wich is part of the british SA80 Arms pack. The mod looked very good, but had no Aim-Down-Sight feature wich i thought would be very cool on a gun like the l85. Here's a pic of the l85: http://simplerisbetter.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/sa80.jpg

Please not that the scope on the l85 isn't a sniper scope and neither is it an Trojan-ACOG, it is the british S.U.S.A.T scope, wich falls inbetween the 2 catagories but because you don't push your eye up against the sight still gives good periferal vision, so something like the ironsights mod for it would look awsome!

another awsome gun is the L86A2, although they look and sound the same, they 86 is much more powerful, has a higher clip size, a bipod and a rear mounted pistol grip (a grip on the but of the gun below the face-plate) http://www.raf.mod.uk/rafregiment/rafcms/mediafiles/B061962C_1143_EC82_2ED5E49F5171A2D3.jpg


here is a quick look DOWN the S.U.S.A.T sight from CoD-MW2




If anyone else shows intrest please post, as if we get enough support someone with the necessary skills to do this mod may be interested (as i do not posses them)

Zach :)


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20th Century weapons has an SA 80, although not with an RH_Ironsights SUSAT... But IDK, maybe the scopeless variant can be tweaked to line up right. as for the L86 LSW the damned thing is everywhere, it was in Fallout 2 so all the Classic weapons packs have it, as well as a few standalones.


Also, the SA80 is a terrible, terrible weapon. We should've argued our case for the .280 (7mm) harder before they introduced 7.62mm NATO, we could've used the EM2 and saved the whole 7.62mm->5.56mm->Something in the middle(mm) trend for rifle ammo... Stupid Americans in the 40s with their ridiculous bullets XD They're only going to end up with a 6.5 or 6.8mm cartridge, and have spend an assload of money in between.

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