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Error trying to add ammo to vendor list (Scripting)


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Trying to add a new ammo type to a vendor list. It wont save so obviously there's an error. I'm very new to making mods and to scripting and I don't know where the error in the code is.

Scn addammo

Begin gameMode
  AddItemToLeveledList VendorAmmoGunsTier1 LWSAmmo20GaFlechette 4 35 100;
  stopquest yourQuest

LWSAmmo20GaFlechette is an ammo from a mod I'm making.

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You likely forgot to set up the quest for your script. Create a quest with the editor ID "yourQuest" and then try saving the script. You can use another name if you wish, but you need to modify the script accordingly, otherwise it won't save as it can't find the thing you're referring to.

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I did create a quest and save it before I tried to create the script.

Edit: found the problem, I accidentally put yourQuest in Quest Name, not ID. fixed it

Edited by DesumThePanda
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