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Hostile NPCs not attacking player on sight.


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My game, which I have had my character for a very long time, has an issue where npcs don't attack the player on sight. They simply seem to ignore the player. They will also not attack other npcs they consider hostile. However, attacking a hostile npc will knock cause them to fight back, but having to walk up and attack every npc to get them to start a fight ruins the verisimilitude and makes fights a cake walk compared to before. I've tried turning off all mods, but no luck. It is probably the result of a mod because I have installed a lot before. Any advice or troubleshooting tips?

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With no info, its hard to guess what your problem might be (see the How To Ask For Help link in my sig).


Shot in the dark: sounds like a faction issue. Alternate Start, OBIS, etc., mess with factions. Make sure you have the latest versions and patches of any mod impacting global faction changes. If the mods have an MCM option, see if you can Stop-Restart them.

Edited by Lord Garon
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