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CM partners now aggressive.


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In a fight with a group of bandits I accidentally hit one of my cm partners and they both immediately became aggressive towards me. I ran around the map for awhile trying to make them unaggressive. Going into dungeons, and even a couple cities but all that did was involve the local people who attacked my Cm partners and since my CM partners are essential they just kept getting knocked unconscious. They won't accept a yield and my save before they became aggressive loses an hour and a half of work. Autosave is also are when they started being aggressive. I tried reloading the autosave but they still attack me and the two saves I made while they are aggressive have the same result. Does anyone have a solution for this?
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So apparently they will not accept your yield. Your companions are not behaving like mine does. If I can completely escape from mine, she will be calm when she catches up with me again. Then I talk to her to raise her disposition as high as I can so she will accept my yield next time. I have never had my companion permanently stay mad at me. My companion is in the player faction. Is yours?


I guess you have tried things like invisibility spells, water breathing, and going to places where the terrain is too rough and there are too many obstacles for the AI to handle navigation? You could do cheats like using TCL to levitate or walk through a wall, or you could use a teleportation spell to get far away.


Sometimes if I can find a battle to enter, my companion will take out her aggression on the enemies and be nice again afterward, but it doesn't sound like that is working for you.


Have you tried paralyze or calm spells to help yourself escape?


I don't know if you can use console codes. They are tricky with things like that.

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