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Must - Need Mod Guide


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Washe1's Guide to nice mods to start off with.

Must need mods: (alphabetical order)


autoFloraHarvest (For all the alchemists out there)

Custom Race Fix (essential if you want custom classes)

Kahjit Eye Toggle (Because it's annoying how it "times out")

lite arrows zip (they're just too heavy)

Quest award Leveling (so that you're not punished for doing a quest early)

Better Birthsigns (because the bethseda ones are imbalanced / suck)


Purpose of this post


To make a guide for new players as to what mods they realy should download in order to make oblivion a better experience. I'm not looking for major mods or quests, but the things that make life easy.

Feel free to add suggestions.

I'm also not really looking for mods that ruin the balance (completely) or "god mode". I'm not sure about adding a storage / carry weight mod - not sure they belong.


The list is based off what i play with.



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Try this one out, (made by me)



Just a mod for those players who want to keep an accurate tab on their skill gains while playing each level (useful if you want to advance your character to get particular attribute modifiers at level... doesn't change the gameplay rules at all)



Oh and I noticed that you missed btmod off that list, I'm not 100% on everything it does, but the main thing is that the inventory system uses a smaller font size to show more on screen (very helpful).

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These mods are also essential. I don't have the links but you can find them easily by using the search function.


Blackmarket: An Alchemist with all equipment and 20 of each ingredient in the game, an armor weapon seller and a fence/lockpick seller.


Elegant Vests. Some nicer clothing then exists in the game. I used an oblivion stone to give one of my nice vests a 10 shield enchantment so I had a heavy duty body armor that had no weight and never had to be repaired. (Save just before grabbing the stones and try again till you have a stone with enchantment properties you can use)


NewStart - Starts you out in a little shack so you don't have to go thru the sewers to start a new game. I completed the main quest from this start.


Any Encumberance mod that increases your encumberance - the more the better.


Unlimited rings and amulets (or unlimited amulets and rings) lets you wear as many rings and amulets you want. After all we are born with more then 2 fingers.


2 other ones I make heavy use of are XTS-Thief-MageV1 - sells unlocking spells and alchemical ingredients - and xts-merchant-mod-v1.0 - he sells a buncha stuff and his inventory isn't leveled.


Both the Blackmarket AND the TheifMage are necissary because there are some things open lock spells of any power can't open such as some gates and if the lock is underwater.


I use others but these are almost essential and don't seem to be cheating.


And somebody out there put together replacement music using the soundtrack from the Lord Of The Rings. It ain't essential but is pretty gal darned awsome.

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Well its alittle self advertising, but i personally think mine and Dubby's Better Oblivion mod suite is pritty niffty and helps make the game better. Maby try playing the game without mods first and then try it with this afterwards, shrug. See my signiture for links to both the file, AND check out the README, it is niffty, slick and has a bunch of info.
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