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Music will not play. At all. Everything is set for it to play.


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EDIT: The same night I posted this, two nights before this edit, I restarted my comptuer, and it's worked fine since. Here's the original thread:



Let's go down the list of all the things set for music to play:


Better Music System checked off in OBMM? Check.

Music Enabled in the .ini? Check.

The volume adjusted above zero? Check.



I can't think of anything else that's going wrong. I haven't touched the game in days. It was playing fine before.


I had to reinstall everything from the ground up a while ago because of a virus. Windows. Oblivion. FCOM. Better Cities. Everything.


I got it all working.


I figured out a weird bug with another mod that was bugging me. Everything was fine.


But now, no music is playing when I start the game. The mp3 files themselves play fine in winamp.



This game refuses to cooperate. After all the standard problems are fixed, it comes up with something like this.

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Have you adjusted the music volume level in your audio settings in the options menu?


Yes I did. That's what I meant with:


The volume adjusted above zero? Check.



Thanks for replying though. I appreciate it.


Ironically the issue fixed itself after I restarted my computer. So it was Windows somehow. (Yes I had the volume up in the windows menu.)

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I'll try that if it happens again. Why would the codec conflict only happen once? I haven't done any new codec installs in a long time.


Thanks though. :thumbsup:

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I'll try that if it happens again. Why would the codec conflict only happen once? I haven't done any new codec installs in a long time.


Thanks though. :thumbsup:

Maybe it has to do with a process using it or something. It should not be a one-time issue, but codec problems affect all sorts of things. The most recent string of issues for which I have suggested that fix (and it worked) were stuttering and lag issues, but codec interference can also cause crashes and different sound issues. Just FYI...

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