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DarN UI problem

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I just downloaded DarN UI, everything seems to work, but there's one mod I had before I can't get to work anymore, which is the remove compass mod. I hate it you don't have to look around anymore because the compass shows where your enemies are. I had that fixed, but with DarN UI I have the compass back again, and can't get it away now. I use FWE, MMM, WMK, fellout and enhanced weather + DarN UI (which seems to conflict). I tracked the problem down to the hudtemplates file, because that's the only change the remove_compass mod makes (you just had to place that one in menus -> prefabs, didn't go with an .esp). So my question is: how do I remove the compass from my game, but still keep DarN UI ?
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Did you ask DarN about this on the Darnified UI Threads at the Bethesda Forum? I would bet he'd help more if it's possible.
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I did, but I don't like the Bethsoft forums (even scrolling goes slow). Still, any help here would be appreciated :)


Edit: fixed, so this one can get closed. I used Notepad ++ to break open the DUIF3Settings.xml file, and simply changed hudcompass 1 to hudcompass 0. Compass was gone, rest of DUI still working great. What I learned: XML explorer sucks, notepad ++ is way better ;)

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My problem.

Not impacting, but boring. I made a note in a holodisc for a item. This note have a very long text, but in Vanilla UI, text appears full in Pipboy (even if is a little difficult to read).


With Darnified UI, I have 1/5 or 1/6 of this text, only. After, is not displayed. :sad:


In XML file, where is the parameter that give more lines of a text in a pipboy ?

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