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Rivet City Trader


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i was just wandering around rivet city, when i noticed that there is space for another trader in the market area. So maybe somone can make a mod using one of the free places wich would enable the player to buy a shop and sell stuff to others. Lets say 3 or 4 ppl coming by each day wanting to buy stuff. I would really like that. I am a modder myself, and building the place would be no problem. But creating customers who buy stuff etc would be a problem for me. Maybe someone can work together with me or help me to create customers.

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So the game would consist of sitting in the store, waiting for customers to come in? Sounds pretty boring. Maybe youd be better off with your own caravan, having a trade route that takes you around the map, having encounters along the way.
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It's a returning thing. The #1 on the sticky aims for something similar.

I wish I had the time for anything like that, but this needs quite some effort to keep it fun. (for both player and modder)

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@Deadzen: Point taken. However, i stil need to create customers to buy stuff from me and i also need to create a brahmin that would follow me wherever i go. The last one would be easy i think, but the customers.. i don't know.


@Pronam: Time and Effort are things i have in abundance. Just check out my very first mod: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12605 . It took me one year to finish it. The only thing i really lack is how the script language works. Sure i can use existing scripts and change them and i have created small scripts for my mod, but having customers coming to you and wanting to buy something is a completly different level.

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what you could do is to adapt the script from the woman in megaton who runs up to you and gives you stuff. then, if you place 3 - 4 new npc with a bit of money on them in rivet city you could have it so that when you enter the market they run over to ask you what you have for sale when they get close enough. then you wouldnt have to wait around in the market for long untill somone came up to you and asked you for somthing.


then you could look into having an item specific bonus if you have something the ask for directly. possible addon could include more auto-buy npcs in other towns ect...

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