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hello all. ive been a long time player of bethesda's games as well as the fallout games. i got fallout 3, and while it was AMAZING to say the least, as a man in the military AND a hobbyist gunsmith, the weapons in the game insulted my sensibilities. the weapon layouts, placements of controls/magazine wells, etc. was simply atrocious, half these guns wouldnt work if you were to recreate them in real life. as such, i have decided that i would try to undertake a project to remove the crappy vanilla weapons entirely, remodel the energy weapons to look less fragile and "1950's" and silly, add a whole mess of real-world guns and ammo types, and even tweak a few real-world guns a little bit (and give them backstory as to why they are different) and basically just revamp the whole weaponry and ammo part of the game, as well as some armors i felt needed changing/tweaking/inclusion. i know that some people think real-world guns arent "lore friendly" but look at fallout 2, it had a whole heap of real guns, and fallout tactics barely had any fake guns at all. probably the reason tactics was one of my favorite games of all time, but im a gun nut. anyways, i figured a way i could implement all these weapons as part of a free-form quest involving a new location and faction, but i want to keep all that story-based stuff somewhat hush-hush until i can get some seasoned modders on board for my mad little experiment. i can troubleshoot a .50 caliber heavy machinegun by just listening to it try to shoot, but when it comes to this computer stuff, im left clueless.


i know there are several other mods on this site that add real world guns and ammo, and with the permission of their authors i would like to use the meshes and textures from them as a starting point. im definately going to need someone experienced with scripting events and dialog and whatever, as well as someone to show me the ropes on making or modifying meshes and textures. if anyone feels they would like to help me out with this massive undertaking, helping out someone who wants to correct some horrendous oversights in weapons designs in an otherwise kick-ass game, help a poor dumb army slob who doesnt know his ass from a hole in the groud when it comes to computers, please, either reply here or shoot me an email at [email protected]. im hoping any experienced modders wishing to help would like to get on some kind of IM with me so we can work out issues in real-time with each other.


thanks to everyone out there!!


-SGT Hobbs

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well it sounds good but even modern weps would be like a sore thumb due to the fact that it is based off of the 1950's styles so you wouldn't find the new weps that are in use to day well at least not all of them but as for making it more realistic you would have to change all the 50's stuff. but it's a game and i doesn't really matter for realism since most guns that old would need a crap load of repair and would be so jerry rigged that they would probly be like a single shot.


like one time me and a buddy of mine saw a ak barrel with a carbine stock and duct tape and a few poor welds holding this beast we fired one clip before it started to fall apart. we trid to rebuild it for the hell of it but she when tits up when that torch when right through her.


it seems like its been days since i got out but like i was told. life is like a jar of hot peppers....you don't know which ones going to get you the S@!ts. Or cry me a river and build me a bridge


good luck


We build and fight

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i suppose i could let a little slip on how i plan to implement these things...


i know that guns pushing 200 years old would be in miserable shape. having personally encountered AK's and SKS's only around 40-50 years old with shot out barrels, worn down finish, etc. etc. i cant imagine what 200 years of constant fighting would do to a gun. however, some guns are remarkebly resiliant and may actually be able to stand up to it, but thats not the point.


the point is, once yo leave the vault, being at a low level, the only guns you'd encounter out in the wastes would be the worn out, piece of crap guns left over from the war (ie. "Worn Chinese Type 56" or "Ancient FN SCAR-L etc.). their damage and accuracy would be atrocious (because the barrel rifling is shot out and cant stabilize the bullets properly) and they have low health, probably just the "vanilla" health, which was pathetic to say the least. (im sick and tired of having to scrounge for a damn combat shotgun to fix "The Terrible" because its at 50% after a single battle with an Enclave outpost). anyways, after you reach a certain midway level, like 14 or 15 or whatever, you encounter something, i dont know, like a well-armed merc group or slavers or whatever, toting newly manufactured weapons. this starts the freeform quest to find out where they got them, which ultimately leads you by any number of routes (dialogue questions, radio signal, whatever) to a place im not telling yet occupied by a new but familiar faction that has all the shop equipment, CNC machinery and injection molding equipment to make new weapons and ammo. however, their database is incredibly limited, which starts another free-form quest to obtain hard drives/holotapes/schematics/several examples of worn weapons so they may blueprint and begin manufacturing.


since in real life Washington DC has some of the most atrocious, assbackwards, Draconian and senseless gun laws in the world, you wont be finding a bazillion different types of "worn" guns, just common guns you'd expect to find in an area with horrible gun control laws right up to the point of a worldwide nuclear war. things like common police handguns, military pistols and rifles (from the pre-war garrison troops you'd expect to be guarding THE NATION'S CAPITOL, as well as the guns of the chinese invaders) and maybe some guns used by the more "unsavory" members of society, like MAC-10's, TEC-9's, etc. etc.


not ALL the 1950's style elements would have to be eliminated from the game, just the ones pertaining to the weapons, energy weapons in particular. i really love the old art deco-style architecture, and the retro looking wrecked cars on the freeway might actually make sense, considering retro always seems to make a comback. when they implemented the fusion-powered cars, maybe retro was in vogue and they wanted cars that were excessively large, luxurious, and quintessentially american, now that they basically had unlimeted free power thanks to micro-fusion generators. nothing says that like a gigantic land-boat with wings on the sides of the trunk! the point im trying to make is that im tired of gunpowder and bullet type guns that i know wouldnt work, and i have a hard time taking someone seriously when theyre dressed head to toe in bad-ass black powered armor but theyre shooting at me with a Buck Rogers ray gun. anyways, like i said, if anyone is interested in helping me bring this little plan to life, go ahead and let me know.


-SGT Hobbs

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well thanks for that. i found one called "20th century weapons" that has a whole buttload of really good looking guns and models. i just need some experienced modders to show me how to do some of the stuff id like to do, since trying to read techie computer-guy lingo might as well be like trying to read klingon with me. im pretty dumb when it comes to some of this stuff.
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yes, i downloaded GECK and have been slowly inching my way through the BethSoft tutorials, trying to get a little done each day if my schedule allows it, but some terms are just confusing as hell for me. ive also downloaded a few other recommended items that were suggested somewhere on this site for those who would like to get heavy into modding, things like the FOMM, FOSE, nifscope, and a couple others, but i havent gone about installing any of those yet. i remember installing (or trying to install) OBSE for Oblivion a while back and i probably did it wrong. the instructions for that monster were so alien to me, i dont even know why i tried.
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led_head i gotta say id love to help you but i can install and uninstall mods at my best hour if i try doing anything more i have to unninstal and reinstal fallout 3 completly because i did something horribly wrong.as it stands now your more than likely better with the G.E.C.K than i am.my advice is to try and get the 20th century and the cube experimental team to help you.the cube team is russian but it is by far the most ballin mod for fallout 3.it took me over a week to finally find the freaking doors and the holomarks.and the 20th century team is really good at textures and meshes and fixing clipping and navmesh errors so get a few from either team and your mod should be done in no time.
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thanks for the advice. ill shoot them a message now. i just hope they dont look at it and act all superior to my incompetance haha. ive got a lot of dumb questions!


"There are no stupid questions, but there sure seems to be a lot of inquisitive idiots...."

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