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Please, just follow along on the site. You are at the downloading mods step now. Do not install anything yet. Just read the page, please. As I said earlier, use Oblivion Mod Manager to install your mods, and use Wrye Bash to manage everything else, in addition to BOSS. You really only need to use OBMM to install mods for now. Forget about BAIN. You are not using that. Read the page. It tells you which versions of mods OBMM users should try to download.
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ok i have downloaded mod I'm going to read how to install mods now. if i have any problems i"ll let you know. thanks for your help. my computer went from barely able to play to realy good. i hope i wasent to much truble. good night
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i wont to know can i start with the optimization mods and mods that are already omod. i know just the very basics on useing obmm i know that on some mods you cen clik on creat add an archive make a name and click create omod. is it a bad idea to take more then one mod and turn it into one omod mod.
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i wont to know can i start with the optimization mods and mods that are already omod. i know just the very basics on useing obmm i know that on some mods you cen clik on creat add an archive make a name and click create omod. is it a bad idea to take more then one mod and turn it into one omod mod.

I know how to convert any mod you find on that site. If they are not OMODs or OMOD-ready and you want help, just ask. I know those guys inside and out. Sticking to mods that are OMOD-ready would be convenient, but simple mods do not even need that extra info. You can just pack them and add a name or something. Did you read the OMOD Installation page and the Oblivion Mod Manager page? The latter is linked at the bottom of Preparing for Mods and the former is linked at the bottom of Installing Mods (or both can be found in the sidebar under those respective pages.) You should stick to one mod per OMOD, especially if they are OMOD-Ready because you could otherwise break some scripts.


Let me know what you are downloading, which mods you are going to use, so that I can know about them beforehand. Do not install any of your OMODs until you have finished selecting mods? It is very important to establish your installation order before you install. Read the Installing Mods page because there is helpful installation order information toward the bottom. I will help you make an exact installation order for the mods you choose, however, so that you can see how to go about applying that information. OBSE plugins are no the same as other mods (and you probably saw some of those in the Stabilization Mods section.) Those you should install manually. Most of them should have been taken care of at the bottom of Preparing for Mods, but the only thing you really need to know when installing those is to make sure that the main DLLs end up in the OBSE\Plugins folder. All of those mods should come with installation instructions in their Read Mes that will tell you the archive's structure (to help with where to extract them such that they are installed to the OBSE plugins folder.) You should just install OBSE plugins manually.


Remember, some mods do not have plugins, so you will not see anything in the left pane, your plugin list, indicating that they are installed. The only thing you can depend on is the blue (activated) square next to the OMOD's name. Okay?

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so i should insall the optimization mods and obse plugins manually rite i thik i know how to take a mod and make it an omod. if i have to make a list of mods for you i will. i read on how to create omod. but what do i nead to know about the script i would like to not have to make a list of mods om here. i have at least one mod of almost ervry kind.
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Only install the OBSE plugins manually. Streamline can be installed with the executable. Otherwise, stick with OBMM. You do not need to make any scripts. As for the mod list, just upload a screen shot of your OMODs or something.



Edit: I can give you a command line that will print your OMOD list. What is the full path to your OMOD folder? If you did not move it that folder is located in Oblivion\OBMM\mods, but I need the full path to that folder to create the command for you.


Edit: Since you are fairly new to mods, you should not have a large mod list. That will only make learning this much more complicated...


Edit: Navigate to that folder, copy the full file path to it, and paste it in your post.

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That means you have no OMODs. Make your OMODs first. OBSE plugins say that they are OBSE plugins. They only contain DLLs file in addition to their docs. Just look at the installation instructions. I have to go to dinner. I'll check back later.
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