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Rebuilding the world after Fallout 3


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This is what would happen after all of the F3 storylines and DLC content played through by a good character. That means the purifier runs without FEV, the Enclave is defeated, Oasis thrives bringing new plant life, the cure is safe in the Pitt, and Megaton wasn't nuked.



What would the Lone Wanderer and the people of the wasteland do next ?



I think organizing a government and a defense force would be the first thing to do. Uniting all of the settlements together for the common good and forming a free/democratic government, like the east coast version of the NCR. The settlements pool together their resources and form an army, this helps take the pressure off the outmanned and outgunned Brotherhood of Steel. The BOS and this CWA (capital wasteland army) join forces, rebuild Liberty Prime and rearm through the vast arsenal the Lone Wanderer has discovered in his travels, and scavenged Enclave tech; then they purge the wasteland of Raiders, Super Mutants, Talon, Slavers and other psychopaths.



With peace at hand, the new government (we'll call it the United American Settlements) can look at expanding to other areas. Point Lookout can be colonized to harvest its Punga fruit; then the Pitt... lets assume you didn't kidnap Ashur's daughter, and he's left in power because you trusted his promise to release the slaves and share the cure with them; I think the UAS could become a wasteland superpower if it forged an alliance with the Pitt. The cure could be spread to treat mutated victims, the steel mill can be used to forge an endless supply of weapons and ammo and trade can be opened between the CW and the Pitt; in exchange for releasing the slaves, the UAS builds another Project Purity to clean the rivers. The Pitt prospers with clean water, a cure, and a freed population. The CW prospers with weapons and ammo from the mill, and building materials.



From here the UAS expands to other areas. Maybe New York and the northeast, and south down the east coast. Through this expansion more purifiers can be built to clean the waters of major rivers like the Ohio and Mississippi. The technologies and protection can be promised to these people in exhange for joining, so it's not a hostile expansion.



Eventually between them and the NCR the world is fully restored to it's pre-war glory.

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You've put a lot of thought into this, but your forgetting a few things. Do remember that human nature, even in the desperate capital wasteland, is very stubborn, I mean look at Tenpenny tower. If the C. wasteland is going to be completly under one rule, then we can all assume that rivet city is going to be the capital of UAS. Now Megaton might join, if Lucas Simms wasn't such a hardass, but what about underworld, Tenpenny tower, and the republic of dave, all are as stubborn as stubborn can get, and adding gouls is of course going to be an issue since rascism against them is growing unchecked. Even if an army is somehow forged, which by the way will take many decades since the C. wasteland count in humans is very low, how will this new and weak force beat all the super mutants, deathclaws, yaoguai, raider groups, slavers, and other huge threats as well as clearing all the D.C. rubble to support future population explosions? And consider that the only way the purifier functioned was because of a G.E.C.K, and all known ones have been used up, all others have been activated, lost, or destroyed, so how are they going to do it without one?
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I think the LW would be the one who could unite all of the settlements since he basically saved every single one of them and the entire wasteland. It would be difficult to train an army but between the LW and the Brotherhood it could be done, and if he has the arsenal my LW does then they could make short work of most threats out there :laugh:


As for the GECK and more purifiers, there could be other Vaults out there with GECKs in them somewhere, or maybe the LW can get Braun's help to build new ones. If that fails then they could just take the GECK out of the Jefferson Memorial when it finishes and install it on another water source.


The capital of the 'UAS' is interesting. Rivet City is the most secure, but it could be Megaton since the LW already lives there, or possibly the Citadel. Maybe even the Jefferson Memorial or the Capitol building for symbolic reasons.



I wonder what role Amata and the other vault dwellers would have in all this?

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Having played FA3 in the original vanilla version without any corrective add-on, my female lonely wanderer died as suffering servant of her father's ideas in good messianic fashion, viz Bethesda tradition, leaving all the mutated people behind on level 12 with sufficient clean water of life, probably for the clan wars to come. "That girl of Vault One-O-One, folks", as Three Dog might have commentated between two boring sounds if the 50s on Galaxy Radio, "is legend", remember?
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I think the LW would be the one who could unite all of the settlements since he basically saved every single one of them and the entire wasteland. It would be difficult to train an army but between the LW and the Brotherhood it could be done, and if he has the arsenal my LW does then they could make short work of most threats out there :laugh:


As for the GECK and more purifiers, there could be other Vaults out there with GECKs in them somewhere, or maybe the LW can get Braun's help to build new ones. If that fails then they could just take the GECK out of the Jefferson Memorial when it finishes and install it on another water source.


The capital of the 'UAS' is interesting. Rivet City is the most secure, but it could be Megaton since the LW already lives there, or possibly the Citadel. Maybe even the Jefferson Memorial or the Capitol building for symbolic reasons.



I wonder what role Amata and the other vault dwellers would have in all this?


I was thinking about that, perhaps the lone wander could do something about this, but still, it would be awhile before a good army is established, but your right, it can be done. As for the G.E.C.K, I think it would be better to find another because I believe the one at the Jefferson memorial would either burn out, or be way to dangerous to take out, I mean have you activated it back in Vault 87, geeze that thing packs a punch. But I still feel that Rivet city will take over, I mean they have a council, and a good enough force to overpower Megaton; I wouldn't be surprised if Communism in the C. wasteland is formed as a result of rebuilding. For example, look at WWI. Eastern Europe was so badly damaged that they resorted to Communism because it was the easiest goverment to form at the time. But hey, you left out electricty, what about Las Vegas? Las Vegas is the only city in the world to have electricty, at least to us, and if the new America get's a hold of it, then you can expect a new and rapidly growing country, or perhaps empire or empires if some parts of America are already making that great leap. Also consider Europe or Asia, they are probley getting a foot hold there as well.

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I really don't think anything constructive would happen in the lifetime of the wanderer. Trade would increase and with the purified water i'm sure at least some land somewhere would be fit to grow food (if not then hydroponics) so the food situation would improve slightly. There's still the super mutants and raiders and talon company to deal with before there'd be wide spread peace. After what the Enclave did, any form of government wouldn't be greeted with open arms.
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But do you WANT to know the outcome? It would be interesting for sure, hard as hell to write depending on what choices the LW does but... it would kill Fallout unless we get Post-Post-Apocalyptia. Still a cool idea with lots of thought but I like my Fallout as it is. I think in Fallout 4 you should start out as a general Scavenger or an anyone only to find out the purifier has been destroyed by the Enclave's last soldiers, just so that Fallout lives on.



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Last 2 posts just remember the NCR, they were able to form it out west after F1 in the time of the Vault Dweller, and building the NCR didn't ruin the story of F2, it just opened up more doors in terms of storyline as we saw in F2 and now New Vegas. If there were an east coast equivalent it could make for some great storylines in future games set on the east coast (like New York, as we're almost sure to see at some point I'd think).


Having a government wouldn't stagnate the game if there were enemies to oppose it. I was thinking Burke could fill that role (a very under used character IMO). Maybe he can organize the bad factions into one great force for a war with the 'UAS'


As for the type of government the UAS would be, I'd think/hope that a good LW would inspire them to build it based on freedom and liberty instead of oppression. It would suck to do all that for the world, only to have it become a dictatorship.


And about the electricity, don't forget that they have it in DC as well. Almost every place has working lights of some kind, and the tesla facility at Old Olney, and operation of Liberty Prime showed they can generate large amounts of power. All they need to learn is how to build power cables so they can spread the power to more places.

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Last 2 posts just remember the NCR, they were able to form it out west after F1 in the time of the Vault Dweller, and building the NCR didn't ruin the story of F2, it just opened up more doors in terms of storyline as we saw in F2 and now New Vegas. If there were an east coast equivalent it could make for some great storylines in future games set on the east coast (like New York, as we're almost sure to see at some point I'd think).


Having a government wouldn't stagnate the game if there were enemies to oppose it. I was thinking Burke could fill that role (a very under used character IMO). Maybe he can organize the bad factions into one great force for a war with the 'UAS'


As for the type of government the UAS would be, I'd think/hope that a good LW would inspire them to build it based on freedom and liberty instead of oppression. It would suck to do all that for the world, only to have it become a dictatorship.


And about the electricity, don't forget that they have it in DC as well. Almost every place has working lights of some kind, and the tesla facility at Old Olney, and operation of Liberty Prime showed they can generate large amounts of power. All they need to learn is how to build power cables so they can spread the power to more places.


I do hate that Mr. Burke isn't used as much, I mean it's pretty tempting from his point of view to blow up a town, so he would make an exellent politican, if not a very corrupt one.

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Personally, I do like the idea of organizing the settlements. I do believe that it can be done. One force not really tapped are the robots across the wasteland. With enough elbow grease and some know-how, I bet enough can be put together to help keep a few areas secure. The next step is to get some of those settlements to relocate. Arefu, Big Town, and Canterbury Commons.. all moved to somewhere safer. The increase in population from the moves would help the population grow. Even just combining Arefu and Big Town together would do wonders. It is getting the defenses up to snuff that is a bit of a task. It can be done though.


Talon Company.. well they are mercs. If the settlements pool enough money and find a mediator, who does not tell Talon where the caps are coming from, I bet that Talon can be put to use. On one hand, they can be used as a hammer in some areas. On the other, they would be fighting which can lead to thinning the ranks. One objective is point lookout. I bet Talon C. can do a good job of clearing the place out. I figure, after Talon has done some jobs, when they are vulnerable, a little luck and planning, a good backstab could break em.


The Pitt.. well if the freed slaves are taken away and relocated to the C. Wasteland, and then Raiders are sent to the Pitt to work.. I figure that somehow the Pitt would survive. As long and Ashur makes sure not to let too many of them join his ranks. If they die there, they die there. The relocated, recently freed slaves, would also help the population grow. With ammo and useful metals coming out of the Pitt, with scraps and resources being taken to the Pitt from the Wasteland, I bet a lot can be built.


The Vaults have useful tech in them. If used in the rebuilding of the settlements, I bet the boost in tech can make a difference. The crazy experiments aside, the vaults were made, kind-of, to support people for a long time. Once salvaged, they can go a long way in Megaton and Rivet City. As for the settlements, I think there is a lot of work to be done. As I mentioned above, Big Town needs work, so does the Commons. There is a tonne of resources in the Wasteland that can be use to bolster defenses. It is just a matter of collecting and applying those resources.


It is one thing to play the game, but it inspires us to think beyond it as well. But in doing so, we engage some logic. Logically, the hardships of the wastelands can be dealt with more effectively. Supermutants can be beaten back, it just takes some work. The one thing that is lacking is that gap between real people and the programmed people in the game. If you think about how things would be different just by applying some of what we know, things would be different. For example, walking into friendly fire.. yeah, that one would not happen.... maybe. :whistling: Or Little Lamplight, which would and probably should, not exist this late in the timeline.


But we are all applying our imagination to a game. The Fallout verse is very expansive and we all have our take on it. I, personally, believe that big changes can be made with small, precise action.




P.S. Raiders are against everyone, and therefor, can be culled using Talon Co. As for the super muties, if 87 is destroyed, then what?

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