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How do you pick your character names?


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Oh wow I totally forgot about that elven translater thing, I used to use that all the time for games!


@Rusty - lmao Kitty, rocks as best name yet!!!!


I forgot I once named my human noble's dog Gilmore after Ser Gilmore for the lulz. In my head she did it as a tease to the man himself since I always assumed they had/should of had a thing going on. Still makes me sad you can't snag him in the origin like you can ugly Dairren and Iona!

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Raven (Human Male Rogue) - A tribute to my native american roots, what better name for a rogue than the trickster god.


Bla'Tzar (Human Male Warrior) - Is my longest standing pen and paper warrior character, played from the chaotically insane level 1 dnd fighter who charged a goblin horde, got fireballed by his own mage, so charged back to kill the mage, to the slayer of gods who rescued an entire world from perishing. I will always have a place in my heart for this character and name, so I always make at least one in any rpg.


Langlin (Human Male Mage) - He is my oldest running mage character from the same genre, I made one when a DM said I would never be able to play a wizard right in DnD, and well he was wrong. I ran out of places to level up, long before my character ran out of Orcs to kill (his ingame handle was Langlin Orckiller).


Sparkles (Dog) - Named after the very first wolf/german shepard hybrid I ever met in person, and yes her owner named her sparkles. She was beautiful, protective, and a great friend who never wavered in loyalty. I was the only person other than her owner allowed near her puppies when he bred her, so she holds the name of my Dog character at all times (I keep forgetting to get the wolf mod for dog, but next runthrough I will)


That is my list and reasons for the only character names that I use specifically, for other characters, I just sit and stare at the created character until a name pops out at me, like my elf female mage Thellisianna.

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The dog is easy for me, if it's a human noble's dog, he's named JibJab. For all other dogs like the elves, mage and dwarves, he's named Jabberwock.


To name my elves I use the Slack n Hash Elf Name Generator, human noble males get a regular guys name only spelled with an extra e or y in the name. I don't play dwarves or females. What few females I do play get named for a constellation, I have Libra, Virgo, Andromeda, etc. The most popular female in one of my video walkthrough series is Solace, I just like that name so I used that for her name. I have another female Rayne (City Elf) I just used a y instead of an i and added an e and I have Andraste herself, a human female noble. The last 2 girls were used in additional video walkthroughs but when the walkthroughs ended, so did their games. I just don't stick with females very long although I have a female mage (Virgo) that I might try to finish the game with just to take her over to Amaranthine for Anders.


I have started over 200 characters so naming gets really hard the more characters I create. I like the elf name generator because it keeps the names consistant, all my male elf names end in anu which I think is kind of cool.

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Well being a huge medieval and fantasy fan (also playing a lot of table top and hardcore RPG's) I tend to already have names picked out for certain races based on their class and what personality I wish to portray in the game. Example: My Dalish Elf


Name: Zelkira

Short Bio: For as long as he could remember Zelkira has always felt a certain disconnection from his clan since the passing of his mother. Much of her death is a mystery to him as is his memories of her. Because dwelling on those who have passed is looked down upon in his clan Zelkira does not ask many questions regarding the matter but still his mind wonders. After the disappearance of his friend and contracting a illness from an unknown enemy Zelkira agrees to leave the only family he has every known to search for a cure and aid his new companions in battle against the coming blight.


Yea I know still a work in progress but it helps me to better understand and get into character giving them a back story haha

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For my PCs, I ring the changes on "-andal", (e.g. Thandal, Mandal, Randal, you get the idea.) I suppose there's a built-in limit to doing it that way, but it hasn't been a problem yet.


For Dog, variants on the "-ix" names from the French comic-book series "Asterix" I love. So, Phonix, Tonix, Manix, Panix, etc.


Having a system makes choosing a name soooo much easier! :D

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I usually use names from favorite Fantasy novels, or the names of favorite writers. I try to keep them close to the naming conventions of the setting as possible.


So, since Ferelden is pretty much the UK, my Human Noble characters get names from David Gemmell books. Druss, Sieben, Decado, etc.


Elves? DA Elves get Gaelic names, or joke names ending -el. My favorite is Kalel.


My Mages mostly have Biblical names. Jonah, Job, Michael, Sarah, etc.


Dog I usually name Sandow, after the 19th century strongman.

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I have a few standards I use for characters in almost any game, then one new one.


Bwana-- Got my girlfriend to watch a John Wayne move called "Hatari" (about a group in Africa that catches animals to ship to zoos) in it they call John Wayne's character Bwana a few times, which is swahili for boss. She thought it was amusing and starting calling me that in jest and it eventually morphed into a nickname.


Seemed befitting of a Dwarven Noble Sword and Board Main tank Warrior. This is also the only character taken deep into the game so far.


Cyprian-- One of my standards. Usually in a game this is what I used for more magic-based characters so it was only fitting to use this for an Human Mage, too early but will probably gear towards the heal/CC side of it just because I like the more balanced feel of a defensive/physical dps centric group. Don't remember where the name itself originally popped in my head


Cyterian-- Usually this goes to a bigger tank-esque character but since Bwana already occupies that slot my as yet uncreated Elven Rogue is taking this one. Is basically a modfied version of the Cyprian name.


MacLeod-- My Mabari in any. Beyond the obvious (from the highlander series) is actually taken from my dog... which was taken from the series.

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