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Hair styles


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Hi guys n gals.


A simple request for a set of hair styles for male characters of a more western feel. While the current hairstyles out there with a anime feel to them are all well and good they just dont fit with the character choices I play. Is there anyone out there with some personally used hair styles they would like to release?


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  • 2 weeks later...
good luck lol i have made a hair request it seems there is no hair modelers around here i tried to make my own but it failed horribly and no one even reply's to these i don't believe
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Hi guys n gals.


A simple request for a set of hair styles for male characters of a more western feel. While the current hairstyles out there with a anime feel to them are all well and good they just dont fit with the character choices I play. Is there anyone out there with some personally used hair styles they would like to release?


Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this posting


I'm under the impression that hair meshes/textures are some of the most difficult things in most games, this one certainly included. All of the hair mods used in Fallout were introduced in Oblivion. Hell, they were even ported to Dragon Age. I just don't think anyone is willing to tackle hair ever again (or at least they haven't the entire duration of F3 modding)

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Yeah the vanilla hair styles suck big time, and i just don't see a wasteland survivalist having stupid emo bangs hanging over half his face.


There are literally no good male hair styles created by the mod community. I'd hoped to see someone brave enough to make some thick dreads for male and female (something that is REALLY lacking in F3) or other low maintenance hair styles. Its a sad day when the base hair styles in Dragon Age are more appropriate then F3's hair styles. Its too bad I won't support illegal mod rips, because some of those hair styles would be great ported into this game.


We can only hope that Obsidian gets a little more creative with hair in F:NV, but I doubt it.

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Ah well....they're still 100% better than the Oblivion hair styles. Although i would've liked to have seen some ratty long hair options in FO3.


Well, all the ones in the mod community are ported over from hair mods in oblivion. I am not aware of a single hair mod developed exclusively for FO3


Scary, isn't it? Considering just how much there is out there in just about every other area. If anything reflects the pain in the ass of creating new hair meshes, its that.

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