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help with creating a companion?


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I apologize if this isn't the right place to ask.

I have been trying to create one of my characters as a companion for a while now (using the RR companions Vault tutorial) and i realized that i'm pretty bad at it.

I managed to get to create a code... thing for her, name and custom race (i wanted her to have Dimon's Alice body) but i partially gave up because, well, i can't seem to be able to make her look as cute as she should to save my life.

So, i was wondering if someone with a bit of free time could give me a hand in giving my character a cute face and maybe explaining some basic functions like where can i find the face texture to edit it a little (mostly adding scars) or the teeth texture and so on...

She is supposed to look something like this http://towercorp.deviantart.com/art/welcoming-committee-160108717 in the end... Sorry for the manga-ish style...


I don't think this would be too much time consuming, and i would really apreciate the help :)

again, i apologize if i have posted this in the wrong place.

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i hope you don't mind too much if i bump. I still haven't been able to give my character a decent face, and i'd still like for someone to help me. It would be greatly apreciated, really. All i need is a face that looks cute and actually looks like my character, as for textures and the rest, i can do it on my own i think...
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