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Seriously, I constantly ask myself, as I browse and search, why the only Witch Blade I find is not even a nod to Top Cow's weapon of awesomeness.


I mean, if anyone knows what this wonderful comic, turned live action show, turned manga, turned anime, turned live action movie is and has modding knowledge, I'd absolutely love you for creating an actual WitchBlade for use in-game.


If you could even find some way to get it to be nothing but a bracelet that changes depending on how dangerous the enemy is into either very light armor, or full covering heavy armor, or places in between, I'd adore you, and failing that, just make armor and have the bracelet add spells that summon more powerful or protective versions of the armor as the player's level increases.


I mean, I'd try to do this myself, but I'm no artist, 3D artist, or modder, to my misfortune.


A model suggested by Shredator is as follows:


x + 4 or higher = Very Heavy

x + 2 = Heavy

x = Moderate

x - 2 = Light

x - 4 or less = Very Light



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Requesting of links, rather than imgs!


An old habit from an old thing I used to frequent, but seeing gigantic images just sorta makes me buggy when in a thread.


Also, toss in a few of the comic images for good measure.

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If you could even find some way to get it to be nothing but a bracelet that changes depending on how dangerous the enemy is into either very light armor, or full covering heavy armor, or places in between,

It just makes you want to find the most defenseless creature you can and throw it at her just to see how "light" her armor can get.

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