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Compound Magic and Magic Experimentation


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Vanilla Skyrim and many many magic mods don't allow you to do one thing that would make magic much more immersive: discovery. How cool would it be to discover some kind of magic that no one else in the world is able to use? How cool would it be to screw around with dual casting different spells together like Ice Spike and Firebolt and see what you get?


I want a mod of this kind to add many many different spells, but not have them learnable via book. The only way to discover all of the spells in the mod is to experiment with dual castings. Some examples are listed below:

  • Water Jet = Flames + Frostbite
  • Health Siphon = Flames + Heal Other
  • Steam Blast = Fireball + Icy Spear
  • Air Stream = Water Jet + Flames
  • Suffocate = Air Stream + Fear
  • Scald = Water Jet + Firebolt
  • Tempest = Thunder Bolt + Water Jet

Those are only a few examples that I can think of, and most of those only fall into the Destruction school. Imagine what you can do with Alteration and Illusion? Destruction and Conjuration? Conjuration and Restoration? The possibilities might literally be endless!

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