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Xbox 360 Saves


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Seeing as microsoft has released the ability to support usb drivesSee here. Is there an easier way now to modify your gamesaves or.. has that even been thought of. I figure if it has not already been done it will be done soon.

The only information i can find on the web requires an Xplorer or something. seeing as i have a few USB drives lying around this way would be much more cost effective.

Please Post in this topic if you are currently Developing this or already have it


Also i understand that most mods are not available for the 360.

If no one is Currently working on this i would ask you to that is why i chose to place this in the Request Section.

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Not too many people here play on the XBox as it does not support mods, and that is what this site is about. There are some though, and you may get an answer, or at least a link to a site that does support XBox.


The official Bethsoft forums does have some XBox support. Not sure how good it is though. http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/forum/13-the-elder-scrolls/

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Thank you for your response. I have seen people modify their inventory through manually editing. To do this myself would take a lot of time that I simply do not have , nor do i have the know how. the process includes scanning your xbox harddrive i believe modifying your registry to view said files and hashing/rehashing after you have modified said files. I have a Friend that has modded something for the Pc Version. I can only run WoW and a few other things on my PC It couldn't support Fallout3 I looked at the beth soft forums and there isn't a GECK for the 360 although i believe with this new development with the USB Flash drives it may be possible.
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