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Weapon style


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What weapon style do you like to use with warrior/rogue characters?


With every character I've played with so far, I've always used the classical sword and shield weapon style, because I really like shields and a lot of the shield moves. I used the dual-weapon style with one of my rogue characters, but I find I didn't like it very much because most of the dual-weapon moves aren't that useful or powerful.


I tried out the two-handed weapon style a tiny bit, but I find it just wasn't working for me. The character seems to swing the weapon too slowly, my opponent in the Provings had me nearly killed before I even got half of her health down.


I haven't tried using archery at all yet. Have any of you tried it? How useful is it? Are archers any good for the slaughtering of mooks and monsters?

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What weapon style do you like to use with warrior/rogue characters?


With every character I've played with so far, I've always used the classical sword and shield weapon style, because I really like shields and a lot of the shield moves. I used the dual-weapon style with one of my rogue characters, but I find I didn't like it very much because most of the dual-weapon moves aren't that useful or powerful.


I tried out the two-handed weapon style a tiny bit, but I find it just wasn't working for me. The character seems to swing the weapon too slowly, my opponent in the Provings had me nearly killed before I even got half of her health down.


I haven't tried using archery at all yet. Have any of you tried it? How useful is it? Are archers any good for the slaughtering of mooks and monsters?


I think anything and everything is powerful is applied right. A dual weapon rogue has the highest potential dps in the game.


Archery...later in the game is deadly...


It's funny btw; I am playing my first shield warrior ever; every other one was a 2H specialist...

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I like Dual Wielding the best, usually with two smaller swords/daggers if I can find two really good ones so I don't have use a longsword.


My Elf always has a Bow with him, it helps a lot having a good bow/crossbow with some good arrows as an option.

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Dual weapon wielding archer. Momentum and Punisher are used quite a lot, plus Dual Weapon Sweep followed by the Wirlwind to finish several foes at one time. That last combination I was able to bring down 6 enemies at one time. The archer with quickdraw is helpful against mages, plus the Arrow of Slaying is deadly.
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Oh man, duel weapons is the best to me! Not only for damage but for speed which I really love. I always, first thing, get Duel-Striking and work towards Momentum as fast as I can. Not to mention my love of Duel-Weapon Sweep to knock off 3 or more evils at one time. My guy who was a hardcore Sword & Shield guy started using Zev finally in one game and quickly used cheats to change all his people to Duel-Weapon guys, even Sten and Oghren lmao! He realized how much damage they could do using duel-weapons and felt they were useless with their two-handed skills - which he and I both dislike.


Two-handed is just so goddang slow! Not to mention they miss half the time!

... on a side note, the hardest character for me to kil in DC was Sten ... dear god he hit me every time and each hit knocked my health down so low I ended up having to just run away and set my Ogre on him ... and I still died!


I do love Shield & Sword though, and maybe it's a bit sexist of me, but anytime I play a male warrior he is always this! LOL! I just think it looks so cool and MANLY :teehee: :wub: ... I know I'm odd sometimes ... But yeah, it's Duel-Weapons for me followed by Weapon & Shield for sure.


As for bow & arrow, I have the mod that makes your speed faster (not damage) and that makes bow & arrow much much better to me. Not to mention how epic Arrow of Slaying is! And I really love Shattering Shot & Pinning shot for keeping enemies back. I have only had a main character do archery one time but want to do it again really soon because I enjoy it a lot. And I always have Leliana in my party if I am not a mage since I like to keep 2 range attackers and 2 up close attackers in my party at all times. So I'll keep a mage and her in the back a lot to crowd control as two warriors storm into the fray with swords swinging. That combo works best and makes me die less often, lol!


On a side note ... I miss Oblivion bow & arrow, it was my absolute fav and all my characters were awesome at it! I miss sneaking around and picking off enemies, lol!

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