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Idea for adding more than 3 Mods to a weapon


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Okay, as most of us already know, New Vegas weapons are hardwired to accept no more than 3 mods at a time, and that's not gonna change any time soon. But I had an idea that literally came to me in a dream to work around the GECK's limitations:


Now, say you have a weapon- let's say, the 10mm Pistol- and you have all three mods for it; extended mags, laser sight and silencer. You take all four items (the pistol and the three mods, un-attached to the weapon) to a workbench and select a newly-created recipe that utilizes all of those items to create an entirely new weapon. For simplicity's sake, let's call it the 10mm Pistol Plus. The 10mm Pistol Plus is a separate weapon to the 10mm Pistol, appearing as the 10mm Pistol with all 3 mods attached as its default state. You now have 3 whole slots to add more mods upon it! You could add a scope, a faster firing rate, and... um, I dunno, a nacho cheese dispenser? Whatever you want.


So yeah, that's my idea for making a weapon in the game that kinda-sorta has more than 3 mods attached. What do you all think? Is it a good idea? A lame idea? An idea that's already been done before and I'm a dumbass for not looking it up prior to reading this? Give me input!

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I don't know, you'd just end up expanding on the limitations in the default game. You loose the ability to pick and choose mods, since you must complete one "tier" of mods before being able to use the next ones.


It might be fun to experiment with as a novelty feature for some specialty weapons, but on large scale it's impractical because you'd have to manually create duplicates of weapons for each tier of mods.

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Basically each mod part and the weapon itself is an ingredient for making a new weapon when combined with a 4rth part, It could work quite nicely for custom weapons. I wouldn't allow the 4rth part to be used with just 1 or 2 of the original upgrades but require the first 3 to be able to make and only do 1 4rth customized version that doesn't allow for more mods to be attached. Otherwise you will be making tons of models with bits and pieces of each mod and really would make that 4rth mod less special. At that point you may as well just make a new weapon based on the old that's slightly better and level lock it. Also I would make that 4rth mod part very very rare, maybe at most 3 in the whole world, and 1 of those 3 sold by a custom vendor while the others are hidden in the world to find.


Don't let the naysayers tell you not to do it, I think it's a great idea for 1 extra mod to make your weapon special.

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