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Fustration. ArchiveInvalidation wont work. Kill me.


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Couple of quick things since I'm posting this on my break:


1.) Your first attempts (previous to the most recent install) were not using BSA Redirection, that pop-up from OBMM stating "XXX # of texture files, XXX # hashes/collision...whatever" is from the older BSA Alteration method.

2.) UAC is disabled, which is good, don't need to worry about that.

3.) You can try using the manual version of the ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, which I saw you try to do, however you mentioned you put it in the Oblivion folder, make sure that it is in your *Data* folder.


Couple of other stupid things to check:


1.) Make sure you have at least .Net2.0 or newer. 3.5 should come installed by default, but you never know.

2.) Try installing to your C:\ Partition, outside of the program files (e.g. "C:\Games"). This might narrow down if it is a partition/"drive" letter issue.


Sorry, all I've got off the top of my head. I do know for a fact that a modded Oblivion with QTP3 works just fine on 7 x64, as I'm using it right now (well...sorta, I gotta figure out these BEX/Buffer Overflow Exception issues).

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You're right. The first couple of attemps I was infact using BSA alteration (Its what I used to do with my previous installation like a year ago). It was also on a seperate drive letter partition, but on WIndows XP Prof 32bit. Funnily enough it all worked perfectly like that.

I realised this quickly though, and tried BSA redirection. It should just pop up with "Done" correct? Thats what happened, but still wont replace textures in game.

I deleted the ini file in my documents/games/oblivion folder. Started up oblivion. Exited out.

Restarted OBMM, redirected BSA's again still no luck.

I would love to try install Oblivion to my C drive, but seeing as I was only intending on keeping system files on it to make my computer boot faster, I only made it a 32gb partition. After windows 7, updates. I only have about 14gb left now. Cant really install oblivion + SI + mods on 10gb of space.

And yes, I checked after using archiveinvalidation invalidated that the .bsa was in the data folder. Still made no difference at all.


Thanks for the input guys, really appreciate it.

My .net framework is version 4,

This is my load order in OBMM





Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp


Unofficial SI Patch.esp






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Your LO is so nice and small and neat too... FYI: The bundled version of HF is buggy. By the way, that is enough space to run Oblivion. You may have to go with the other method of loading BSAs in order to stretch that space, but it would probably be worth it. At least, try installing there.


BSAs and Archive Invalidation - http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/intro/archiveinvalidation <-- Check out the method that lets you install BSAs outside of your Data folder. It requires more care and attention, but it'll do the job. You'll have to learn about BSA repacking, but that is not hard at all, really.

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