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Realistic Arrow Reactions


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This mod is a request for bandits or NPCs in the game to fall over in pain screaming when they get struck by an arrow. I can scarcely imagine someone being shot in the arm or the chest or leg by an arrow and not even appearing to be in pain at all. That and falling off a tower. If an enemy is falling to their death this request is for them to yell before they hit the ground.

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With Locational Damage, someone who is hit in the legs will fall down.

I don't recommend to open up that box of the Pandora, though. If already an arrow throws you down in pain, how are you gonna react to a dragon biting your arm off? Or a spellcaster bathing you in a stream of fire?

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The request is simply for armor to be more damage to be more immersive and realistic. In the game if someone is wearing a full suit of armor and the arrow hits them in an armor plated spot, maybe it won't necessarily hurt them as bad. However, if they get shot with an arrow against bare skin and the arrow goes into their body, they scream in pain. At this time I would like to focus on archery but sure if you want to factor in other types of combat that would work too. Enemies may take more cosmetic damage as well. Example? If you are sword fighting an enemy and slash their armor, maybe add a gash in the armor? But I really think if an arrow (specific again to archery since I play an archer) pierces the body there would be some screaming involved.


PS: The character is basically a god with the ability to shout enchantments and is dragon born.

Edited by AmysDragon
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The locational damage mod notmyhome suggested makes them stagger a lot if I remember correctly. I use requiem + deadly combat on my current profile and they do stagger but I believe not from arrows unless you shoot them critically (piercing their armor in a soft spot like their groin)

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