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Tira's Ring Blade


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hey, I've searched for something like this in the mod section for a while now but haven't gotten anything on it, so I was wondering, since i have no idea how, if someone could mesh and/or texture a ring blade, like what Tira uses in Soul Calibur 3/4. and possibly animate it too if you can. though I can probably figure that part out.
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A Tira player, eh? I'm a Setsuka player myself. Tira's moodswings do make her seem like a fun character to learn though.


I can create a ringblade mesh and texture for you, but I can't animate the attack patterns (I use Maya, which isn't completely supported by the .nif guys). If you want to figure out the animation, I can do the rest for you.

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A Tira player, eh? I'm a Setsuka player myself. Tira's moodswings do make her seem like a fun character to learn though.


I can create a ringblade mesh and texture for you, but I can't animate the attack patterns (I use Maya, which isn't completely supported by the .nif guys). If you want to figure out the animation, I can do the rest for you.

oh yes please, I'm hoping to make a Tira like player for the Madgod position when I get around to completing the SI questline.


Oh but I need to learn how to Animate and what programs.....*walks off muttering to herself*


on second thought if someone could do the animations for me, cause I think I need 3ds max and, well, I don't have it, and I don't have the money to buy it either.

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Ah, I thought you meant you had some experience with animation already. Not to worry though, there are a number of people in the community that can do that for you if you ask. Creating attack patterns for a whole new type of weapon, particularly as complicated as a ringblade, would be a pretty difficult task from a beginner's standpoint.


If you are interested in learning to animate, there are plenty of resources you can learn from online, you just need to decide which program to use-


Blender is most popular around here, which is also why its support of Oblivion formats is really quite thorough. Lots of modding tutorials and such for Oblivion, if that's what you're interested in doing. Blender also has the advantage of being completely free. The downside to Blender is that it's not actually used in the 3d industry, games or movies, and in that sense is a bit of a dead end if you want a career in those fields.


3ds is an excellent package, and is preferred in the game design industry. Support for Oblivion is also pretty good, and there are a number of 3ds users within the community. A little harder to learn the modding aspect, but easily doable. If you're a student in college or highschool, you can get a student discount on sites like-


And get a 13 month license for only 90$.


Maya is also an awesome package and is hands down the preferred program in the 3d world, especially on the movies side of things. Probably the best package to learn if you're interested in a career in that field, as even games companies have been switching over for the last few years. The price is basically the same as 3ds, where you can get a temporary or perpetual license as a student. The downside to Maya is that there's far less modding support for Oblivion (less can be taken from the program to the game, as well as no Oblivion modding guides whatsoever), and people in the community using Maya are very rare.


All three have their ups and downs, but be prepared for a challenge. 3d and animation are difficult and technical, it takes quite a lot of practice to learn them.

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Ah yes the discount would be great, IF I had the money, lol I'm flat broke, so Blender is my best bet. man and I've used 3ds max before lol and now that I think about it Tutorials would probably just bore me, lol, I'm kinda like Tira or Sheogorath I think, the whole, do it, and if it doesn't work, kill it or do something else, kinda thing.
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Haha, thank you soooo, much, me love you long time. I hope that some animator looks at this and will take it up, but you can send me the files when you finish and I'll send them off when I do find someone, in case I happen to try animating it.
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greetings fellow player of tira, i am trebor and i endorse this mod!


this mod is made of much win, therefore it must be completed.

while i posess only landscaping and Cs modding skills if there is something that needs to be done wit that ill take care of it

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hmmmmm, hey if you could make a chapel like thing for a mod I'm making, or trying to, since my Oblivion got screwed up and I need to reinstall, lol. Anyways it's for an Order of Paladins, and since you're offering your skills.

but I don't need anything for this mod (edit: the Tira one)..... unless you want to do the Ostenburg castle or whatever it's called.

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