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How to edit aim?


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Hey guys/girls etc,


This isn't something spectacular what I am going to ask for. Just a simple explanation on how to edit the starting aim stats of my soldiers.

I have tried fooling around a bit with the balancemod lines in the gamecore ini file, but that doesn't seem to work.


Apparently it should work for the enemies, lowering their aim and crit amount in both hard and classic, but I hardly notice any difference.

Also altering their hp in that same file does absolutely nothing despite that I've read on the modwiki for x-com that it are only those specific -balancemod- lines that should be "moddable".


Anyway, I'm by no means a veteran in modding. I simply want to increase my aim a little because I get frustrated over the soldiers constantly missing shots on 80% and higher.

It would be appreciated if somebody could explain me how I could edit this and perhaps even how to lower both the crit rate and aim of enemies.


Thank you in advance.

Edited by Z405
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Have you seen the wiki article "How to DIY common mod solutions"? Have you enabled "INI loading" as described there? Have you disabled "hash checking" (if this is for EU)? Try the test given to confirm your INI edits are being loaded first, before attempting your desired mods.


You might also find the old thread "Soldier aiming progression" of some interest.



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Thank you for the reply!

Actually a couple of hours after posting I assumed that the Long War mod (which I incidentally already prefer over vanilla) wouldn't have these restrictions as it is already a mod.


And I was right, so I can now edit the gamecore file and everything I touch gets altered ^_^

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