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Where in the CS can I add and change rumors?


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I had an idea a while back where, instead of just getting the stupid one line rumor, you could actually respond to the rumors. The way you respond would affect that person's disposition towards you. They would respond back, and you could keep this up for as long as you wanted. The rumors would be randomly generated and certain factions or groups would have certain things to say. Perhaps they would stop after a while, or just repeat.


Either way, if this was possible, it would open up the door for real conversations and role-playing. Your responses could be sarcastic, kind, hate-filled, innocent, or neutral.


No more speechcraft wheel of fortune, and no more random chance frustration for Persuasion Overhaul.


Real conversations, with real writing, and real characterization.


The only problem is, no voices, but I never use them anyway.



If this is not possible, I would at least like to add a bunch of new rumors.

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The CS takes a quite a bit of getting used to. But once you get used to it, you can do a lot of things.


The vanilla rumors reside in places like Quest>Conversation>MQInfoGeneral>INFOGENERAL and

Quest>Conversation> NQDImperialCity>INFOGENERAL.


I am not really familiar with how that engine works because I do all my work in Quest>Topics>*** Modders are generally discouraged from working in "Conversation" and directed to "Topics."


I know that in "Topics" you can have as long of conversations as you want with as many branches, decisions, and possibilities as you care to make. I am not sure if "Conversation" works the same way as far as adding topics and presenting the PC with choices.


You can name your topics in "Topics" anything you want, even "Rumors." But then you could end up with two dialog topics at once which were both named "Rumors." So an NPC might have a menu like this:



Fighters Guild




That would be bad.


But there is a checkbox for disabling rumors on an NPC. Then your custom rumors would be the only ones available.


I heard that there is a mod that disables the speechcraft wheel of fortune. I don't know how they did that. Possibly some powerful OBSE, but maybe it was easier than I know.


But writing new dialog is something that would be well within your capabilities, as long as you are willing to put in the time and effort.


To add delay to your new dialog text, which will fly by so rapidly that nobody can read it, use TES4Gecko or Universal Silent Voice.

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