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I made this thread because I find interesting this topic:


Some people like to play more than one character in Skyrim at a time. Some people prefer to finish all they wanted with a single character and then move on to another. Whichever is your way of playing, we all have that one character who is going to be our "Main Character". The one who if we had to delete every other save except one, it would be that one exception. Your favorite in other words.

That's what I want to know, I want people to post their character with their attributes.


You post a picture of him/her and then add information to know who he/she is. There are some things I would like you to post in the information about your character (apart from the name) and other for optional additional info.

Recommended: - What makes your character unique? (and his race)

- If he/she wears the same armor-weapon all of the time, or if he/she changes it... why?

- The combat style and why did you choose that.

- The kinds of quest your character would be facing.


Additional: - Personality

- Backstory

- Mods you installed in that character to make it go with the type of person you chose.


I would like the presentation of your character to go like the one I'm about to show you, but if you prefer another one it's okay.



Meet... Reigan

(For some reason the image was removed...)


- A Nord. He is unique because of his appearance. A golden knight that has four wings, which supposedly should allow him to fly but that would make no sense :tongue:

A knight who uses the power of his magical swords to defeat enemies that threaten his lands. He possess no magic, and that's why he is limited to brute force... and the force of a Dragon (the dragon form shout)


- He wears the same armor and weapons all the time because his looks are permanent. Like a full videogame character. Its is full heavy armor because he needs all the protection possible because of dual wielding.


- Since he is supposed to be a full knight, he uses swords... but they are enchanted :laugh:. Also, he is a Dual Wielder because his power is fully centered in attack rather than defense which is covered by his armor and potions. A complete melee character.


- He fights for justice and peace, so he would be facing quests that require to fight bosses at the end. Quests in which he ALWAYS has to make his way fighting enemies.


Additional information:

-He is the most calm he can be. He is a Dragonborn... but keeps it as a secret in order to make people focus on his own skills rather than the ones given by the dragons themselves; that's why he has a lot of honor in his soul. Once he defeated Miraak, ignoring completely the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora, he decided to perfect his skills in using the Dragon Aspect shout because he noticed that it made him better at melee attacks. Although he likes magic, he prefers to stay away from it and focus on skills that make him a true knight. He likes to lead in their adventures, and that's why he is followed by his comrades in facing the dangers that this world has for them.




Now it's your turn! :D

Edited by Joedpa
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