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What applies the Hit Effect shader for Lightning Cloak?


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Hey There Everybody!


I'm just trying to recolor the spells, but I'm having some trouble with Lighting Cloak. I can't find what the EffectShader is or what applies it to the target when an enemy collides with your Lightning Cloak. I'm turning the spell green. But when an enemy collides with it, they're still getting what looks like the same original ShockFXShader applied to them. Anybody have any suggestions?


Thanks In Advance!

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Hi there,


The magic effect ShockCloakFFSelf applies FXShockCloak01. The mesh file is fxshockcloak01.nif ... I forgot which BSA it is stored in.


My Subtle Cloak Spell Graphics mod is basically an edit of the nif files for flame, frost, and lightning cloaks.


If you want a different effect, you should be able to likewise just alter the NIFs to your liking. It makes for a very light and trouble-free mod.


All the best.

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Well, maybe I didn't explain things well enough... I think what you are describing is the effect that is applied to the player. I've got that portion of the spell recolored and it's working properly. What I'm trying to track down is the shader that gets applied to an enemy when that enemy collides with the lightning cloak. It's the electrical shock effect. Right now, it still looks like the default ShockFXShader and I can't figure out what's applying that shader so I can point it to my recolored version.


Thanks for the advice, though!

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Going back to that same magic effect, you dig into the impact set, MAGShock01ImpactSet, and from there look at the impact data. MAGShockImpact01 is a good example and it uses the mesh Magic\ImpactShock01.nif


Magic\ImpactShock02.nif and Magic\ImpactShock03.nif are used by the other 2 impact data entries.


So those are the 3 nifs you want to extract and modify.

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