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A Very Stupid Question


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ok, you're going to hate me for my UTTER incompetence, but... How do you give a file rating? I've really never tried, cuz there's so many other ways to show gratitude to the author (kudos, endorsement, etc) but my curiosity has finally burned out of control, lol.
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If you mean give them a 1-10 rating, that is no longer possible on the Nexus.


That system was in place before endorsements and was removed because it didn't really work that well. I think there is a post somewhere explaining the specifics, but it ended up with many mods in the 8.5+ range and very few in the 3-8 range. While that system was in effect a 6 was seen as a poor score.


I hope this helps.


Edit: The official explanation


Edited by rhs88
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Yup that helped tons. But still doesn't explain how people still post file ratings O_o I guess they just type it in because they didn't care to embrace endorsements... which is odd seeing as that really doesn't give any bonus to the author like an endorsement would.
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