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[Request] City/Village NPCs not hostile to Werewolf/Vampire Lord


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Would it be possible to make a mod that makes city/village npcs non-hostile towards player when I transform? I am using AFT and Moonlight Tales and they are not hostile towards my Companions (Aela/Vilkas/Farkas) when they are in werewolf form, but they are hostile towards me when I am in werewolf form. Also I want to add Serana to my group and I am not sure if NPCs will be hostile towards her when she is in Vampire Lady form, I will inform you once I add her to party. If they are hostile towards her I would love to fix this, if not for Serana then for my future Vampire Lord character. Thank you in advance for any helpful replies/ideas/mods etc. :dance:


P.S. Sorry for any possible grammar/spelling mistakes I may have made.

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Hmm I think you'd have to add yourself to the town faction, which makes towns folk allies rather than friendlies. Which can be done through console commands. player.addfac townfactionID


http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:TownWhiterunFaction#TownWhiterunFaction This is a list with all the town factions.


You probably need to add yourself to all the guard factions too:




But my guess is that the side effect from that would be that these commands will make you able to take any item inside a city without a bounty, could be wrong on that since this might not change the relationship you have with the npcs.

Edited by Valkasha
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Adding things like that through the console is sometimes not as stable as a mod. For example, I gave 3 followers each one Shout via the console, and when all three went off at once, it crashed. I made a mod that gave them Shouts and can have 6 or more Shouters going at once and no problem.

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