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Need help


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I got an idea for a mod that takes place in a tower and each floor is kinda small but full of tough guys and each floor has a boss in it and they get harder and harder every floor and give special weapons/armor and stuff and your main goal is to get to the top and take out the big boss im allready working on the tower but im not good in scripting and making models so i need help with the mod need someone who can make new equipment and someone who is good in scripting if anyone is willing to help let me know i plan to work a lot on this mod i like literally nothing but free time so it should get done pretty quickly
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I can script for you, as long as you don't ask me to make really complexe script that require 2 page of script...lol

beside that, i'll be your man !


Just PM me with the details of what you need your script(s) to do and i'll see what i can do !



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