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Gandalf Staff In-Game


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Hello all,


I could really use some help on what I think might be a relatively simple issue, although I am clueless as to how to correct it.



I have been using 3dsMax to try and convert a ".obj" model of Gandalf The White's staff into the game. I have tried both exporters and so far everything has gone great with one small exception.


I have been simple replacing the staff offered in the "Wings of Velvet" mod with my converted one and it works great! In "The Fade" it is gleaming white as it should be, but in all other lighting.... I. E. outside, inside, etc... it acquires a Greenish tint. While the model itself remains white, it seems that standard lighting turns it greenish or yellowish whereas in The Fade where light is a green shade.... The Staff becomes white. LMAO


At anyrate I am just trying to get the Model to stay its base color under all lighting conditions like any other game object, but right now the staff is greenish anywhere else but the fade.


IF ANYONE has any ideas or clues as to how this may be happening I would LOVE some advice, as the model is already in-game and working, it just goes funky colored....


I will try and get some screenies of what I mean if I can......


Anyways thanx for any help you can offer......

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um not really sure why its doing that id imagine its got something to do with the glow effect though i figure you know that already



Well here are the screenies-




In "The Fade" where model is correct tint........









In the Circle Tower, where it goes green????







And finally outdoors, still green..........=(











No why this is happening I just cant seem to cipher out..... But you would think that slapping flat white on a thing would be a lil' less complicated......lmao






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Here are some screenies of it working.....












In essence all I can remember trying at the time, (as I was trying about everything)...... Was Using an already "in-game" object (I.E. the Wings o Velvet outfit & staff) via the DAO importer (which I believe established a dummy & obj. collision) then importing the model.


As for the Robe/Suit, it is simply a Re-Tex of the excellent Wings of Velvet outfit.



I would have posted both the outfit and the staff for all to use, but as the staff came for TES and Wings of Velvet is its own mod, I would need multiple permissions for a simple import and Re-Tex of others fantastic work.


However if these can be surmounted, I would b happy to upload what I have....


--=The White Wizard=--

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  • 1 month later...

Wow Honestly I would have thought that there would have been a higher intrest in this..... lol


I have the TES permission but I am not sure how to pack it because I just replaced a staff in a mod with this one. But I will send ANYONE the files and they can pack it if they wish...


Just trying to throw it out there, Would really like to see some Male Wizard robes though.... the Confessor robes ROCK for a Witch character but the Wizzy Robes are definately lacking...


--=The White Wizard=--

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Wings of Velvet is not using a custom mesh; it is just using the default hm_rob_app mesh from vanilla DAO. You said you did a retex, so whether you need permission there is based on whether you completely redid the texture from scratch or if you just did a recolor of the Wings of Velvet texture. Alternately you could just do a white recolor of the vanilla DAO hm_rob_appb_0 texture and probably get a nearly equivalent look.


Also, while others could pack it up for you, no one will be as passionate about your work as you. The ideal scenario is taking on the task yourself. Lots of people here will help you through the process... assuming you can get the toolset installed :)

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I have the Toolset, & I know how to make an override.... I think.... lol. My problem is that I was somewhat lazy and just altered another mod to include the staff. (Which I changed from the wings staff to "Dragons Breath"). I sent a message to moonwing, about it and we'll see what comes of it.


IMHO... this game is BEGGING for more of a LoTR touch, even though it s very similar already & has a great story line all its own. The context, story & gameplay are a perfect fit for a LoTR conversion. Any small step in getting components of that in the game is a step toward a possible larger conversion.


I have only found two LoTR items so far:


1: My Gandalf Staff Import (Which I really wanna release)


2: Anduril- Great mod!


At any rate, I just like LoTR & would like get more of it in DAO. *Especially Wizard Robes* LOL

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