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Request for a compatibility patch/mod for XP32 Maximum Skeleton, Skyrim weapon positioning, and Equipping overhaul.


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The mods in question:

XP32 Maximum Skeleton

Skyrim Weapon Positioning

Equipping Overhaul



I would like the 1H sword and 2H sword positioning of the SWP mod and the belt fastened quiver and bow position of XP32 while using Equipping overhaul.

These screenshots show the current incompatability:


XP32 and EO without SWP - The 1H sword and 2H sword overlap, bow and quiver position is great.


XP32 and EO with SWP - The Bow and quiver block all view of the two swords

-removed quiver - Still hard to see 1H sword, but the sword positions themselves are great.

-removed bow - Both swords are now visible


SWP Clipping issue - SWP comes with clipping issues, too close to the players body



So if it's possible I want to get the bow more on the left side with the quiver on the belt, and 1H and 2H swords on back witcher style, without overlapping.

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