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Project Nevada NPC Sliding bug


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I went on my first mod spree today and everything was fine until i noticed my companions were sliding towards me without moving their bodies. Then i noticed that all enemy and friendly npcs were sliding as if they lost their walking animation. I spent a couple hours going through each mod and found that Project Nevada was the culprit. Everytime i uncheck Project Nevada, the problem goes away. I've spent several more hours looking for a fix but I don't think I can google my way out of this one. Project Nevada was the main reason why I wanted to mod and now the sliding makes it near impossible to manually attack enemies.


I can run the main game and dlc with scarce stuttering problems in the mojave. I made sure to load each mod one by one so I didnt crash the game. The game ran well with all of the mods installed. A slight drop in framerate when a storm showed up but otherwise fine. Then the sliding randomly started after fast travelling. Thought it may be a load order error, and after some research on load order, this is how i ordered the mods (Let me know if I messed up):



[Fallout NV Ultimate Edition Standard Load Order] +


Companion Inf Ammo.esm

Project Nevada- core.esm

Project Nevada- equipment.esm

Project Nevada- Cyberware.esp (mislabeled actually a .esm)

Project Nevada- Rebalance.esp (mislabeled as well)

Electro City- Completed Workorders.esm

Electro City- Highways And Byways.esm

Nevada Skies.esm


Companion Inf Ammo Cheat.esp

The Weapon Mod Menu.esp

Weapon Mods Expanded.esp

Unlimited Companions.esp

Max Followers 12.esp

ProjectNevada- Dead Money.esp

ProjectNevada- Hones tHearts.esp

ProjectNevada-Old World Blues.esp

ProjectNevada-Lonesome Road.esp

ProjectNevada- Gun Runners Arsenal.esp

ProjectNevada- WMX.esp

WMX POP Merged.esp

WMX-DLC Merged.esp

Nights Are Darke r25%.esp

Nevada Skies Ultimate DLC Edition.esp


I also installed and configured NVAC, as well as NVSR


On top of everything else, the sliding is CREEPY. especially when 10 ghouls are floating at you faster than they would normally run... With those expressionless, unmoving faces... The sliding... the horrible sliding... If anyone else has had this problem and found a fix, let me know please.


Edit: I had to reinstall the game earlier because most of my dlc .esm files were missing from the directory. don't know if that helps understand the problem.


Edit 2: now when i turn off all mods, the npc slide glitch still happens... help please!!!


FIXED: If anyone else experiences this issue, open up the launcher, go to settings, click on advanced settings, under the view distance and distance LOD tabs make sure that all of the fades are at 1 or higher.

Edited by Richdick525
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