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Mesh is missing error when using my own packaged OMODs


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Hi all, I have followed Tomlong's excellent guide (http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/installmods/obmm-installation) and took his advice in creating my own OMODs whenever I download mods that dont come packaged as OMODs.


I downloaded a few weapon mods, mainly Sanwas 2680 (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17167) and Soul Edge (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11473) , and followed his instructions closely when create OMODs of those mods. I added the mesh and texture folders, and added the esps before clicking 'create omod'. I then activated those OMODs, opened Wyre Bash and BOSS to let it set the load order properly.. and started the game..


The modded sword was located in front of a statue, but when I got to the statue, a huge 'WTF MISSING MESH' yellow thing was there instead of the weapon.. (this happened for both weapons)


Im pretty sure I created and packaged the OMOD correctly, and double checked..


I decided to try something different and install those MODs manually, by pasting them into the oblivion data folder... and SURPRISINGLY, the weapons appeared normally, in front of their respective statues


What did I do wrong? I know it is a good habit to install everything as an OMOD, so I would like to know where I erred so I dont have to install mods like these manually again...


Thanks in advance!

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Hi. You can send me a message or post in my site's thread next time... Anyway, my instructions do not say to add Data folders. If you had to extract a mod, you need to pack the folder that contains the Data folders. When you check to make sure you pack an OMOD properly, you should check to make sure that data files start with "Data" or "Meshes" or one of the other default folders. Did you have to extract the mod anyway? It is usually safe enough to pack a mod's archive directly. Unless the mod specifies other directions, you should not have to extract a mod's archive. I will download and look at those mods if you need me two, but I think you should check your packaging again. What you can do for me (if you want me to check your OMOD) is to right-click on the OMOD and choose 'View info'. Please, post the contents of that file here in "spoiler" tags. [tag]<text>[/tag] ; replace "tag" with "spoiler"
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