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The Road


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Hi. I've got a GOTY copy of Fallout 3 on the way and wanted to know if there are any mods that will help me make Fallout 3 a bit more like "The Road".


I have already played FO3 on the 360 so playing the game "as it's meant to be" isnt an issue.


Basically the effect I want is to create that same kind of desperation and gloominess as in the film but throughout the game. Similar to how the vanilla game feels when you first start exploring and raiders are to be feared and ammo and supplies seem extremely important. I didnt like how after completing the main quest and then Anchorage I essentially became the most powerful man in the game, so something to balance that out would be nice. Basically so I really have to pick fights and scrounge for ammo and food instead of having stockpiles of ammo and weapons and power armour as that just makes fallout another shooter to me.


Some mod's that come close to what I want (that i've seen so far) are Fallout Wanderers Edition, Wasteland Moods and The Road Warrior Weather but just wanted some opinions or suggestions from people who have the game and have tried any mods that suit what I'm after.


As for the weather mods i've seen some good ones, but I dont want the bright yellow/orange lighting or blue skies, more grayscale with cloudy weather, rain, fog, snow and overcast skies and the odd clear but dull day. I know this isnt necessarily realistic but it's what "The Road" goes for.


So basically I'm after mods that make the game harsher, and more serious/realistic. Also anything that changes the clothing or environments is welcome as are other graphical or balancing changes.


Hopefully with some good suggestions I can put a list of mods together as a reference for other people as well.


Thanks :thumbsup:

Edited by Panbot3000
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How about adding some weight to the ammo so you have to plan ahead what sort of ammo types you oughta be carrying with you when you're out on the road. Don't know if theres any that lessens the quantity of ammo found in the wasteland, some sort of reverse Scrounger or something, but that mod should atleast make you think twice about what you should take with you out.


Some Basic Needs would be fitting too, hm? Actually needing the food you find, water you always have a billion of at the end of Vanilla game, and such.


Let's see... With basic needs, Bottle That Water might come in handy.


Anything else... Hmmm... Nothin' that comes to mind right now, you already have the best weather mods found so... Yeah!

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How about adding some weight to the ammo so you have to plan ahead what sort of ammo types you oughta be carrying with you when you're out on the road. Don't know if theres any that lessens the quantity of ammo found in the wasteland, some sort of reverse Scrounger or something, but that mod should atleast make you think twice about what you should take with you out.


Some Basic Needs would be fitting too, hm? Actually needing the food you find, water you always have a billion of at the end of Vanilla game, and such.


Let's see... With basic needs, Bottle That Water might come in handy.


Anything else... Hmmm... Nothin' that comes to mind right now, you already have the best weather mods found so... Yeah!


Good idea, thanks.


I'll try those when I get the game and possibly add some more small mods I've found and see if it has the effect I want. If it does I'll post them up here as a reference, as mentioned.

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Its Bubbly seems to do most what you described you wanted. It sounds really good, but I'm not using it.


Just stumbled over it, thought you'd find it interesting.


That's brilliant!


Thanks again. Pretty much exactly what I was after, don't know how I missed it. :biggrin:

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Ok, so from the list below and a couple I have found myself, the mods I am testing will be:


Main Mod

Its Bubbly



Explosive Entry

Realistic Carry Weight


Weight Rebalance



Subtle Sunglare

Non-Green Mutants

Hair Pack Retexture

Wasteland Wanderer Retexture

Mysterious Stranger Retexture

Vault Suit Retextured

Hi-Rez Moon

Unique Weapons With Unique Textures

Project Beauty

Fellout/The Road Warrior Weather

NMC Texture Pack



DC Interiors



Fallout Food

Ferrymans Hood


Bog Outfits

Makeshift Bedding


Portable Camp Fire

Scavenger Armor

Tailor Maid

Small Megaton Shack



MTC Wasteland Travellers

Brooke Lone Wanderer

Unkillable Caravan + Guard

Brave Dogmeat

Dogmeat Essential Token

More Raiders

Lucy West Companion

Amata Companion



Down and Dirty

Flesh Burning Plasma

Remove that glove

Persistent Skill Books



Immersive Health

Remove Compass


Dirty Pipboy




The Road OST

GNR More Where That Came From


I'll make sure to turn these into links when I'm done and proably transfer this to the first post.


I may remove some of these if I think they go against what i'm aiming for or obviously cause conflicts. Some do seem like they will change things already changed by Its Bubbly but I plan on testing the game with that mod first to see if the changes are needed. Also I want to try and make sure the backpacks are balanced to avoid me being able to carry double my carrying capacity with a bag.


After Oblivion I've learnt my lesson of adding them all at once so I reckon applying texture replacers is fairly safe but then the others will have to be done one at a time so it could be a while before I know if it all works.


Anyway, if anyone has any observations or further ideas/comments they are welcome.


Cheers :smile:

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I'm feeling helpful today, here are some more I'd recommend to give the best feel;


Wanderer feel;

Mazas Portable Campfire for those nightly needs. (It's just for show)

Makeshift bedding for when you need a place to sleep in the wastes.

krzymar Hi-Res Moon and krzymar Moon Size Tweak for that added nightly feel. (Its amazing to look at.)

Binoculars and Portable Sniper Scopes for that special spyin' business!

Down and Dirty 'cus the wasteland ain't clean. (Read the description, may result in unwanted effects, i.e if you have a mod that adds tattoos on raiders you'll sometimes suddenly have a tattoo across your face.)

Usable Cigarettes for that slow, slow death. (Don't like the losing health option? No more! Want to just have a cigarette in your mouth to get that badass look? Alright!)

Explosive Entry for those annoying out-of-place Hard locks. (Use at own risk, killed me a few times -.-'')

GNR More where that came from, adds up to 100 new songs for Three Dog to play. No more listening to the same 10-20 songs!

Fellout for that added environment feel, no more green tint! Also adds darker nights (if I recall right) so if you're gonna run with it you better be prepared for some seriously dark nights. With this you should definately have;

Fallout Street Lights and Street Lights - Wasteland. What? Haven't you heard the Brotherhood of Steel fixed alot of the lightings in the city and misc areas around the Wasteland?

Portable Bear Traps because you wouldn't want to wake up in your little camp surrounded by raiders, now would you. (Got a slight bug about it, place it upside down and it falls through the world).

Wieldable Torches. Hearin' that sound a few feet away from your camp at an especially dark night no longer triggers sleepless nights, grab a torch and check what it was!

Whats Your Brand for the smokin' man with a favourite.

FF Portable Laboratory and Infirmary for those out-in-the-field needs! (I use it for the infirmary)


Visual/Psychological Effects;

Flesh-burning Plasma Weapons for that added horrifiying effect of the plasma weapons.

NMCs Texture Pack if your computer can take it.


Weapon & Armors;

Gas Mask, 'cus, you know, dangerous air or whatever. (High Res textures for it)

Weapon Mod Kits, tinkering with what weapons you have would make sense, no? Specially silencing that rifle you just found so you can kill people without alerting the entire camp.

Accurate Assault Rifles, wouldn't want that hard-earned rifle to spray bullets left and right? (The spread on vanilla rifles is ridiculous, this isnt overpowering it, just makes it more believable)

Radiation Suits with Transparent Visors looks better than vanilla.

Scavanger Armor keep an eye on that, its got some pretty cool armors that looks very well with the Fallout universe, but Tumbajamba haven't updated it in weeks and half the armors aren't implemented in the game yet. (in the screenshots section, everything up to the Ghillie Suit sniper is included, everything above that is WIP).

Tailor Maid for those added holsters and whatnots.

Merc Caps for those cool lookin' caps!



Directional PipLight, I tried it but couldn't get it to work, it's worth a try.

Remove That Glove removes that stupid PipBoy glove that for some reason cannot be covered over by anything (ridiculous to wear a Radation Suit only to leave one hand free)

Dirty PipBoy for that worn out look on your PipBoy. (I use it, it looks great!)

PicBoy3000 should've been Vanilla; adds a picture of Dad, Amata and Jonas in different options. (I use it, looks great.)


Think your Megaton House is too fancy/luxurious? Take a look at TNF Small Megaton Shack then for a smaller, better house.

Feng Shui to place whatever mementos you find in the wasteland in your house. (Use books as posters with this! Persistent Skill Books lets you keep them after reading them)

Maybe take a look at Better Stimpacks, but at this point you're making the game really hard.


Also, obligatory to see about fitting The Cube into the story of your character. (I figure its not doable very much with BasicNeeds as you dont have any food, water, or anything for a long time)


Thats.... about it!


I am sure I messed up at atleast one link, if anything doesn't make sense let me know. :sweat:


EDIT; This post seems worthy to be my #200.

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Wow. I need more Kudos to give you lol. :tongue:


Will definitely post up what I have used and if I have time make some videos using FRAPS (everyone likes a good video).


Should be here in a few days anyway so by then I should have been able to get everything ready to install.


EDIT - I know I started this thread a while ago but I have managed to get a good list of mods together which during my brief period of testing worked quite well. Need to play it some more before I can be certain that its all conflict free.


Anyway here's the basic list/load order:










Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm

Project Beauty.esm

Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm

Xepha's Dynamic Weather.esm


Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.esp

Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.esp

Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp

Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Point Lookout.esp

Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Mothership Zeta.esp

Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp

Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp






















Realistic Death Physics.esp




BlackWolf Backpack.esp

BlackWolf Backpack - Blank's Container Patch.esp

BlackWolf Backpack - Vanilla Big Guns Fix.esp

BlackWolf Backpack - Anchorage Gauss Rifle Fix.esp

BlackWolf Backpack - Zeta Drone Cannon Fix.esp

Blank's Container Backpack (BlackWolf Backpack Plugin).esp










Onehitter's Realistic Carry Weight.esp


MTC MoreGuardsInBigTown.esp

MTC Wasteland Travellers.esp


UWWUT - The Pitt Addon.esp

UWWUT - Broken Steel Addon.esp

Bottle That Water.esp

Remove That Glove.esp





MTC RealWildnessLife.esp




Magic Pip-Light (50 Brightness).esp


Owned - Much Higher Property Prices for FO3 v1.6.esp




Enhanced Weather - Weather Sounds in Interiors.esp

Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main.esp

Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Anchorage.esp

Xepha's Dynamic Weather - The Pitt.esp

Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Broken Steel.esp

Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Point Lookout.esp

Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Experimental Green Tint Remover.esp

Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Darker Water.esp

Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Rain (OA).esp

Night Time Sneak Boost.esp



I have quite a few other texture mods and such but it's been a while since I modded fallout so I cant recall what they were off the top of my head.


Also as I said it's not guaranteed to be perfect as I haven't thoroughly tested it yet, so it's best to just use this as a list of mods to try rather than a complete package.


Thanks, hope this is of use to someone :)

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