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Ayumi Hamasaki face for Breton??


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I was wondering if someone might be able to make me a face for a breton using pictures of Ayumi Hamasaki... or maybe explaing to me how I can do it. I have nifscop, blender and such *still learning them* but I would try it if someone can point me in the right direction... here are the images






if you need more plz pm me

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I was wondering if someone might be able to make me a face for a breton using pictures of Ayumi Hamasaki... or maybe explaing to me how I can do it. I have nifscop, blender and such *still learning them* but I would try it if someone can point me in the right direction... here are the images






if you need more plz pm me


I put that first photo into FaceGen to see what it would come up with... It's not horrible, but imported onto a breton, she has a really wide face and looks very masculine. That's probably due to her looking down slightly in the photo. Built off only 1 photo though, it's not too bad, the difference would be almost unnoticable if zoomed to the full body.


Unfortunately building faces which will replicate hours of photoshop work is well beyond my expertise (which is *censored* all). That said, if you can find a left and/or right side profile, or at least a front profile where she is looking up slightly (head tilt, not eyes), i'll redo the model and see how it turns out.


If you want, I can upload the save game which I imported the face onto, but it's horrible.


PS. If you want to keep linking photos, i've got no problem at all

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Oh you are such a awsome person!!! Major Kudos for you!!! yea I can send many side profile pics, she enjoys taking thos ekind anyways from what I have seen. I just remember looking into face gens when I was playing MW and they said a straight face shot was the best... really thank you!!


Another question, in your opinion which race would benefit more with her face.. I like to play strong warrior types with a moderate skill in mgik for spells like water walking and breathing, feather and light...










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Unfortunately those extra ones aren't that useful, she doesn't look bad at all though, FaceGen requires a side profile to be pretty much exactly 90degrees, and a front profile to be looking dead ahead, almost impossible to find. All of that without them smiling, and no hair in the way.


Here are 2 imports of the face created from the very first first photo: (Sorry about the different hair / eyes, but the MSE combo isn't stock, and I couldn't be bothered modding them onto a bret)

The first is a Moonshadow elf (my favourite female race). I've done a bit to tweaking to fit it to what I think looks right.

The second is made from me playing around with similar faces in FaceGen untill I found one which looked the part. Imported straight onto a Breton.


The point I forgot to ask before was if you want this for the player character or a companion? If you intend to play that character, I can upload the savegame (of the Breton) for you. If you want a companion though, you'll have to wait on someone else to come and help, as I have no experience in pulling faces off savegames.

Unfortunately I can't give you the save game for the MSE at the moment, as I've heavily modified the esp to fit them to my preferences. I reckon the Breton doesn't look too bad, but if you want the MSE, then i'll redo it sometime this week with a stock esp and upload it. (If you don't know what I'm talking about with "esp", just say so and i'll clarify)

As a side note, if it is for a companion, MSE's are a terrible race choice, as they're gonna like you, and their smile is horrible, think psychopath...


The best piece of advice I can give is that if you grab one of the faces I've imported, back it up, and then play around at changing it yourself. It's good practice to help you create your own in the future, and allows you to add the little touches that you want. (press ` in oblivion then type showracemenu and that will bring up the screen where you can modify the face, incase you aren't familiar with it)


As for the best race to use... From what you're saying, Breton sounds like the most appropriate of the stock races. If you want to start getting into playing with mods though, it's not that dificult to duplicate and then customise the stats / attributes of a race.


Anywho, good luck.

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Once again your awsome. the MSE looks wonderul nice job and the breton for stock isnt really that bad as well alot better then what I come up with trying to use the sliders. Thanks alot for your help and once again major kudos for you!!
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Okie dokie, I'll redo the MSE save sometime this week with a stock mod, then create a nexus thread for it so you can download it. In the mean time, here is the Moonshadow Elves race mod:


http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30707 (If you are familiar with OBMM, then use the OMOD file, it contains the hairs/eyes already added)


Unfortunately you have to add the hair styles (and eyes I think) manually (not with OMOD), using the construction set, and even then the hair style I used in the photo is from a different mod:




Once again, you will have to add it to the MSE race manually (Or just use the MSE hairs, there's some good ones in the pack)


The MSE mod description has a quick tutorial on how to add the hairs, otherwise, just ask here, and I'll try and walk you through it.


Good luck... If you need a hand, just yell, hopefully people with knowledge in the area will stop by and help you out if I can't respond in time.

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