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Gauntlets of Gluttony, and red shrink wrap


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Armor 000CA11C "Gauntlets of Gluttony" from Oblivion.esm

Heavy Armor

Fortify Strength 15 points

Drain Health 30 points <- this modifier on these gauntlets causes a hideous red shrink-wrap style effect to appear on my character permanently.


I don't have a problem with the effect itself, it's perfectly fine for when -spells- apply Drain Health, as those effects don't last too long usually, and it's nice to know why my health is rapidly disappearing.


As a permanent effect though, it's absolutely hideous -- so, any suggestions for mods that I could use to fix this, or what modifier I could replace the Drain Health 30 points with, to get rid of the horrible visual effect?


I could post a screenshot if you want, but I'm pretty sure everyone knows what I mean when I say "red shrink wrap drain health visual effect" in relation to Oblivion, LOL.

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