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Strangeness when outside.


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Latley whenever i go outside, after about 4 to 5 seconds of walkiing around i will here crash notifications on rapid fire from Oblivion Crash Preventer, one time i heard about 20 in 10 seconds. After the crash sounds end i lose the ability to hit escape, enter any type of menu, or use doors. I also cant attack, but i can cast spells.

Problom seem to have started after i downloaded a few enviornment mods, got all natural, enhanced nightsky, better sky textures, then uninstalled those because i thought they were causing it and got natural enviornments and sunglare + enchanced nightsky.

Its not everywere outside causeing crashes i can see the weather working fine if i walk through citys but the only place ive been testing this at is when leaving the imperial city on foot through gates, ill get these crash notifications, then my game goes retarded.


Any help? Any Ideas?


EDIT Also it looks like most custom textures disapeer after this bug happens, all the quest i have with little custom signes get a pink box instead of the pictures custom houses around turn pink.


Maybe i have too mutch running im not sure, i know im supposed to use TES4Gecko to lower plugins, but i have no idea how to use it really and i cant even set up the short cut right, directions are pretty confusing. Also does tes4gecko merge BSA's as well?


Ud think if i was over some limit it would crash when in cities also.. who knows?


To be safe, because this might just be a mod overlaod, id really like to run Tes4GECKO but im very very confused on how to set it up let alone use it. Ive read the readme about 5-10 times, it says to just move to a directery of my choice and get the shortcut to go there, So i made a directory matching the original shortcut but all that did was take me to the folder with the sounds/lips/Jar file and if i click on the jaw file windows doesnt recognize it and cant use it.

Edited by Rlburgendy
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You're running too many mods. I do not even like WeOCPS, and using that is not going to help a setup as unstable as yours... You should just move all of the TES4Gecko files directly into the Oblivion folder (all of them, not in a folder) and launch that utility through Wrye Bash.
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You're running too many mods. I do not even like WeOCPS, and using that is not going to help a setup as unstable as yours... You should just move all of the TES4Gecko files directly into the Oblivion folder (all of them, not in a folder) and launch that utility through Wrye Bash.


How do i launch it through wrye bash?

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If you have TES4Gecko (all of its files) in the Oblivion folder, there should be a Wrye Bash icon for it along the bottom of the bash window.


I have all tes4gecko files ( readme, .jar file, and lip/voices ) in my C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder wrye bashes bottom left launchers only have OBMM, Construction set, BOSS, Bashmon, Doc browser and mod checker.

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You should have your game installed outside of the default folder. That folder is going to give you all sorts of head aches. Do you have the latest version of Wrye Bash installed? Check the bash_default.ini file (in the Mopy folder) and make sure that the path to TES4Gecko, just has the app's name.
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It says Oblivion Mods

;--sTes4GeckoJavaArg is the memory size argument used for launching Tes4Gecko if it's

; present. (Note the Tes4Gecko.jar file must be in the Oblivion install directory.



Have almost no idea what that means but i do have tes4gecko.jar is in my oblivion directory

I used the self installer of wrye bash and i tihnk that was 1 version under the new release

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Purple-text plugins are those that should be deactivated and only imported into the bashed patch. I will go read up and remember how to make the TES4Gecko shortcut.



Edit: When you extracted the archive, it should have added a shortcut to there "TES4Gecko.jar" Right-click on that shortcut, and replace the "C:\tmp\TES4Gecko.jar" with the path to TES4Gecko. You should replace it in both the first (last argument in quotes) and second fields.

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