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Close range stabilize mod?


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Hi, so I'm wondering either if anyone knows of a mod or can make one that does this:


I'm looking for a mod that will make it so that if a soldier goes into downed mode where they might bleed out, that they can be stabilized by anyone just by the soldier standing near them without the need of a medkit, but not aswell as the medkit so theres still a reason to carry one. The idea being that you would have to dedicate a soldier to stay close to stablize the wounded soldier until mission complete or you could get a medic to them to stabilize them with a medkit, which would then stop the bleedout timer all together and free your troop. If the soldier stabilizing the wounded should leave the small cicle around the wounded, the bleed out timer should continue.


That way if an area is too hot for one to move a medic in, another soldier can combat stabilize an ally until the combat zone is more secure, so the medic can move in and take care of the wounded.

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