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One hit kill darkspawn


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I don't know if anyone has adressed this yet but what about those one hit kill darkspawn at the end of the game.

Is there a possibility for a mod that gives these guys normal hit points so they don't die that fast?

This would make the game end much more challenging.

I'm talking about the darkspawn you meet after the landsmeet in redcliff and denerim that die once you hit them. Only the not regular darkspawn need more hits.


Someone willing to have a go at it?


Would me great


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Look i believe that Bioware designed those one hit kills for a reason like for example.


In Awakenings when you get caught by the Architect and gassed i might add .....your party wakes up naked (depending on the mods your using of course :P ) without any weapons and armor .


Your mission is to fight through the mob of Darkspawn with your fists and nothing else.

Now just imagine if you had to do that to a fully armored high level darkspawn party ,you'd get wiped out in no time before you have a chance of arming yourself.


Same principle applies to those other critters in the final battle in Origins, see there is just so many of them that you'd use all your stamina, health and still probably get killed before the battle is over :) ,now remember unless your using mods there was no stamina potions in Origins and the health potions were pretty pissy as well .


So as you can see nobody ever accused Bioware of being stupid sure they've made some mistakes but who is perfect ?


That is why i think they have implemented those one hit kill Darkspawn into certain areas

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You might wanna check out that long and extensive post by myself and Veteran Gamer called "Origins with Awakenings difficulty" He managed to get rid off those 1 hit kill zones ........just download those three files in the end of the post and you shall have what you ask for .


Good luck (you'll need it)

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