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Better cloak system (cloaks for all classes, and go over armour)


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So my thought was this, instead of mages just wearing robes or enchanted armour, they can wear both. Archers, Theives, Warriors should all have their own type of robe too, that can also go over armour.
Here's my thoughts:

MAGE (Can be worn over light armour, looks like full robes like already in game)
- Master Robes of Alteration 0 armour rating Increased Mana +50, Mana regen +80%, and Alteration +20%
- Master Robes of Conjuration 0 armour rating Increased Mana +50, Mana regen +80%, and Conjuration +20%
- Master Robes of Destruction 0 armour rating Increased Mana +50, Mana regen +80%, and Destruction +20%
- Master Robes of Illusion 0 armour rating Increased Mana +50, Mana regen +80%, and Illusion +20%
- Master Robes of Restoration 0 armour rating Increased Mana +50, Mana regen +80%, and Restoration +20%

THIEF (Can be worn over light armour, looks like a cowl, arm and leg wraps)
- Master Thief's Shroud 0 armour rating Increased Sneak +30%, Lockpicking +30%, and Pickpocket +30%
- Master Assassin's Shroud 0 armour rating Increased Sneak +30%, Lockpicking +30%, and One handed +30%
- Master Hunter's Shroud 0 armour rating Increased Sneak +30%, Lockpicking +30%, and Archery +30%

Warrior - (Can be worn over both light and heavy armour, looks like the tabards from WoW)
- Master Tabard of the Swordsman 0 armour rating Increased 1 Handed +40%, Block +30%, and Light Armour +20%
- Master Tabard of the Guardian 0 armour rating Increased 2 Handed +40%, Carry Weight +50, and Heavy Armour +20%
- Master Tabard of Fortitude 0 armour rating Increased Health and Stamina +50, and respective regens +80%

There of course would be Novice, Adept, Apprentice, and Expert variations scaled accordingly.

Edited by tyfe1994
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