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Moveto issues

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The whole basis of my mod revolves around a moveto function.

My mod is a survival simulaton for fallout. After every round, new waves of enemies spawn. I have given them similar scripts to those of the soldiers in OP: anchorage, so they spawn in with a blue flash, but there is a major problem.


I'm trying to spawn 5 actors to 5 x markers. The first two spawn, with the correct anchorage blue flash. But the other three don't. I kill them and hit the activator button again. The other three spawn, as well as the corpses of their 2 late companions, but none with the blue flash.



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The whole basis of my mod revolves around a moveto function.

My mod is a survival simulaton for fallout. After every round, new waves of enemies spawn. I have given them similar scripts to those of the soldiers in OP: anchorage, so they spawn in with a blue flash, but there is a major problem.


I'm trying to spawn 5 actors to 5 x markers. The first two spawn, with the correct anchorage blue flash. But the other three don't. I kill them and hit the activator button again. The other three spawn, as well as the corpses of their 2 late companions, but none with the blue flash.



In your script, try disabling the soldiers, then do the moveto's, then enable.



'spawn' usually refers to actors placed in the world using the 'placeatme' function. I'm assuming that you have these actors already placed somewhere in the editor that you can use the disable, enable, and moveto functions with. Then you have something triggering the flash?

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The whole basis of my mod revolves around a moveto function.

My mod is a survival simulaton for fallout. After every round, new waves of enemies spawn. I have given them similar scripts to those of the soldiers in OP: anchorage, so they spawn in with a blue flash, but there is a major problem.


I'm trying to spawn 5 actors to 5 x markers. The first two spawn, with the correct anchorage blue flash. But the other three don't. I kill them and hit the activator button again. The other three spawn, as well as the corpses of their 2 late companions, but none with the blue flash.



In your script, try disabling the soldiers, then do the moveto's, then enable.



'spawn' usually refers to actors placed in the world using the 'placeatme' function. I'm assuming that you have these actors already placed somewhere in the editor that you can use the disable, enable, and moveto functions with. Then you have something triggering the flash?


I already have 5 enemies prepared in a seperate cell, ready to be moved. The blue flash (Or rather, static) is a script attached to them and i know it works, 'cause it works when i spawn one. I have tried the disable function, but i might try it again, but rearange it slightly. Appologies, i wasn't very clear

Also, if it help, 4 of the enemies use the same base ID (so their all identical save the refernce id)

anyway, thanks for your help!

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The whole basis of my mod revolves around a moveto function.

My mod is a survival simulaton for fallout. After every round, new waves of enemies spawn. I have given them similar scripts to those of the soldiers in OP: anchorage, so they spawn in with a blue flash, but there is a major problem.


I'm trying to spawn 5 actors to 5 x markers. The first two spawn, with the correct anchorage blue flash. But the other three don't. I kill them and hit the activator button again. The other three spawn, as well as the corpses of their 2 late companions, but none with the blue flash.



In your script, try disabling the soldiers, then do the moveto's, then enable.



'spawn' usually refers to actors placed in the world using the 'placeatme' function. I'm assuming that you have these actors already placed somewhere in the editor that you can use the disable, enable, and moveto functions with. Then you have something triggering the flash?


I already have 5 enemies prepared in a seperate cell, ready to be moved. The blue flash (Or rather, static) is a script attached to them and i know it works, 'cause it works when i spawn one. I have tried the disable function, but i might try it again, but rearange it slightly. Appologies, i wasn't very clear

Also, if it help, 4 of the enemies use the same base ID (so their all identical save the refernce id)

anyway, thanks for your help!


I learned recently that the script on NPC's still run even when the NPC is disabled, if that helps, maybe the trigger is going off early?

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The whole basis of my mod revolves around a moveto function.

My mod is a survival simulaton for fallout. After every round, new waves of enemies spawn. I have given them similar scripts to those of the soldiers in OP: anchorage, so they spawn in with a blue flash, but there is a major problem.


I'm trying to spawn 5 actors to 5 x markers. The first two spawn, with the correct anchorage blue flash. But the other three don't. I kill them and hit the activator button again. The other three spawn, as well as the corpses of their 2 late companions, but none with the blue flash.



In your script, try disabling the soldiers, then do the moveto's, then enable.



'spawn' usually refers to actors placed in the world using the 'placeatme' function. I'm assuming that you have these actors already placed somewhere in the editor that you can use the disable, enable, and moveto functions with. Then you have something triggering the flash?


I already have 5 enemies prepared in a seperate cell, ready to be moved. The blue flash (Or rather, static) is a script attached to them and i know it works, 'cause it works when i spawn one. I have tried the disable function, but i might try it again, but rearange it slightly. Appologies, i wasn't very clear

Also, if it help, 4 of the enemies use the same base ID (so their all identical save the refernce id)

anyway, thanks for your help!


I learned recently that the script on NPC's still run even when the NPC is disabled, if that helps, maybe the trigger is going off early?


i don't think you understand me, the problem is not with the blue flash script, i know that works, 'cause it's fine when i try to move 1 enemy. When i hit the button to move the five, only the first two appear. I i hit the button again, they all apear, but without the flash.

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I figured out the problem!

it seems, i cannot move the actors with the blue flash if they are in the same exterior cell as me. That causes a whole host of new problems, but thats for your help anyway!


EDIT: actually, they only appear if there is navmesh present *facepalm* thanks for your help

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I figured out the problem!

it seems, i cannot move the actors with the blue flash if they are in the same exterior cell as me. That causes a whole host of new problems, but thats for your help anyway!


EDIT: actually, they only appear if there is navmesh present *facepalm* thanks for your help


oops ;)

That's good to know.

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